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  1. Dude653

    Stand Up to Jewish Hate a Myth?

    Imagine I moved into your house by force and said your house and everything in it is mine now. You can still stay here but I get to decide what rooms you can use, what food you can eat etc. That's literally what the Israelis are doing to the palestinians. So of course they are going to fight back
  2. Dude653

    Stand Up to Jewish Hate a Myth?

    Israel should be boycotted and sanctioned. They are apartheiding the Palestinians
  3. Dude653

    Tucker Carlson Removed for Making "Overtly Religious Remarks" During Speech at Heritage Foundation's Gala

    Tucker Carlson is a grifter. After having spent all these years gassing up trump, he suddenly flips the script and now he's saying Trump is all evil and stuff
  4. Dude653

    Dr. Charles Stanley Memorial: A Beautiful Life Serving and Loving the Lord

    Rest in peace. He was one of the few TV preachers who in my opinion wasn't a complete con artist
  5. Dude653

    Holocaust Remembrance Day/ Yom HaShoah

    Well that's partly what caused the holocaust. Ever heard of blood libel?
  6. Dude653


    Hot take. The Catholic Church probably needs to be surveilled by the fbi, as they have a long history of protecting child molesters
  7. Dude653

    Yet another shooting

    Repealing the second amendment is going to require a 2/3 Senate and House of Representatives vote. In other words, not going to happen
  8. Dude653

    Anti-Christian Terrorism

    I don't think the Jeffrey Dahmer story was a sympathetic portrayal. It showed him for the monster he was. Also it showed how a lot of those murders could have been prevented had the police just done their job
  9. Dude653

    Covid Vaxxes Meet Legal Definition Of A Biological Weapon

    Did you know that mnra vaccine technology is decades old? And yes I know how they work. They take a spike protein from the virus with your body recognizes and learns to fight
  10. Dude653

    Covid Vaxxes Meet Legal Definition Of A Biological Weapon

    Sorry but the numbers just don't fit this narrative. There have been approximately 3 million vaccine deaths out of a world population about 8 billion. The majority of the world's population has had at least one dose so the casualty numbers should be a lot higher to support this narrative
  11. Dude653

    Covid Vaxxes Meet Legal Definition Of A Biological Weapon

    Anytime an article uses the word "jab", I already know it's going to be propaganda. This sounds like a load of horse doo doo
  12. Dude653

    YouTube prankster shot

    If every business in town would put criminal trespass orders on them, they wouldn't have an audience for their pranks
  13. Dude653

    Saudi Arabian Sports--Babylon at its Worst

    Well we are talking about the same country who had slavery all the way up until the 1960s and only started letting women drive like maybe 10-15 years ago something like that
  14. Dude653

    YouTube prankster shot I am unable to produce any sympathy for this kid. While I am not advocating for violence against people who annoy you, maybe this kid learned a valuable lesson that the amount to which you find out is...
  15. Dude653

    Why does the West want war, death, and destruction?

    Yes I agree Nobody wanted this war. This is a pushback against Putin's aggressions
  16. Dude653

    Our Food Is Being Poisoned with the mRNA Toxins! (RED ALERT)

    CDC statistics say there have been approximately 3 million vaccine related deaths worldwide. That's 3 million out of billions. The majority of the world's population has had at least one dose so if the vaccine or is deadly as you claim, you would expect to see a lot more casualties
  17. Dude653

    Our Food Is Being Poisoned with the mRNA Toxins! (RED ALERT)

    I used to work in the hatchery sometimes and they will take the racks of eggs out of the incubator and run them through the machine with these tiny needles. Vaccinate them while they are still inside the egg Then rotate them back into the incubator and so on and so forth
  18. Dude653

    Our Food Is Being Poisoned with the mRNA Toxins! (RED ALERT)

    Still think it is because the numbers just don't match up with the anti-vax argument
  19. Dude653

    Trump Indicted!!!

    Even if he is convicted, it carries a maximum of five years. I figure worst case scenario, he pays a fine