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  1. S

    Any fellow gamers here?

    Any fellow gamers here? I'd say absolutely! Look here and for the member listed as J-T. They share gaming sites galore in thread pages 7-8.
  2. S

    What do you think of Martial Arts?

    Evil JT must also have a missing olfactory system not to smell buffalo sauce right under his nose. :LOL: Not to mention really bad hygiene if he wiped his mouth and missed the stash. Maybe that's why he's evil. He's stinky.
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    What do you think of Martial Arts?

    J-T is having a go. This thread was started by Ronja. The last they were here was in late August. Now J-T is taking it over to claim martial arts and yoga are satanic. Meditation is sure to be next. I think they're playing their own game to see how long we'll amuse them. What does the Bible...
  4. S

    What do you think of Martial Arts?

    I didn't propagate that Christians were in need of mental health counseling. Never said it. What I said was, if you're taking your links and excerpts from those links in your protracted post a page over seriously, you are in need of mental health counseling! YOU! Not Christians, as in the whole...
  5. S

    What do you think of Martial Arts?

    Ah, personal attack mode level 1. How quaint. I'm intelligent enough to know RPG's are fiction as are the characters within them. If you take them seriously, you are seriously in need of mental health counseling. And I mean that with all sincerity. Are you a follower of
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    What do you think of Martial Arts?

    I'm not Catholic. I've not one up'd a Christian here. I've exposed someone who links to role playing gaming sites. What is your character name in D&D ? Dungeon and Dragons. Hmm? BUSTED! :LOL:
  7. S

    What do you think of Martial Arts?

    Just wanted to put this first for context. That readers when looking over the links and descriptions below be advised ahead of time that those links are speaking of and to role playing gaming sites! :LOL: Satan is crafty! Yes, Ms.Pac Man was a demon with a big mouth and huge appetite for...
  8. S

    What do you think of Martial Arts?

    Absolutely. For example: And that site master is very serious, this is not satire. And no they're not a Satanist. They're a Christian. 5 Ways Christians Worship and Glorify Satan Way to insult our sister/brother Soulweaver. :rolleyes: J-T. Just Trollin? Because a this stage I don't think...
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    Trump Outsmarts them again

    Well, that's one. I'm sure there are more out there. Remember during the debate Trump said ballots sent in by overseas military personnel were found in the garbage and all bore the vote for Trump? I admit, of all the elections since I've been able to vote this one has me worried. With...
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    Trump Outsmarts them again

    Great name. :LOL:
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    Trump Outsmarts them again

    :LOL: Love the satire in the Bee. They have very talented creative writers aboard.
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    Trump Outsmarts them again

    I have no doubt that the Democrats will resort to any low in order to get Trump out of the White House. And now right after the debate we hear Biden tested negative for Covid while Trump, whom the left claims didn't do enough in response, as did Biden at the first debate, has tested positive...
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    Trump has tested positive for COVID-19.

    While Biden tested negative. And this news comes right after their first debate. I pray for our president and his family and VP pence and his family daily. I just think the timing for this test is a little suspicious and especially when we hear on the same day Biden tested negative.
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    This forum doesn't do that. Why would a Christian stay at a forum that has no respect for Christ or Christians? Leave. A forum needs members more than members need a bigoted anti-Christian forum.
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    Opinions on Halloween

    Today's Halloween can be said to be a retail scheme to fatten the candy and costume manufacturing corporations bottom line before the end of their last tax quarter. I love Halloween for the costumes. Especially when parents accompany their children and have a baby costumed and riding on their...
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    migrants, natives and refugees

    Not everyone.
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    migrants, natives and refugees

    I agree, it should all follow the laws pertaining to Immigration, Emmigation, and Refugee status. Another thing about the Refugee program is that they're being given refuge in America isn't permanent. They're to be sent back home once the conflict that caused their exodus from that homeland is...
  18. S

    Trump Outsmarts them again

    Near landslide in votes on that score. A foretelling of the election come November 3rd. ;) I wonder if Trump telling about the ballots with his name on them and mailed early being found in the trash and elsewhere, meaning of course the easiest means of voter fraud, mail in balloting, is...
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    So I bought these pants .............................................

    When I first glanced at the pants picture I thought they had an elastic waist. :ROFL:
  20. S

    So I bought these pants .............................................

    Start? Hey, for some people that's every day. When the mask mandate showed up they thought, finally! Someone understands us.