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  1. Seeker47

    When you see these things.............

    Of course, I have no magic vision. Like everyone else, the Fathers timeline remains a mystery. But how can anyone, after even a cursory reading of the Bible, deny the progression to the end-time. Whether it is now or a thousand year from now is irrelevant, but history is speaking God's...
  2. Seeker47

    A big Hello

    And a big welcome.....
  3. Seeker47

    U.N. Sculpture

    I wonder where the markings on the tail come from? Humm....
  4. Seeker47


    Sometimes things seem so dark and deep and dreary. But wait… Little girls with braided hair, Little boys with holes in the knees of their jeans. The drumming of a grouse at dusk, Cardinals in fresh-fallen snow. Fresh caught “Brookies” roasted on a...
  5. Seeker47

    Love is happiness

    I agree. Love does satisfy a deep and profound need within us. But love alone here on earth, makes us vulnerable to it's loss. When we love we are willing to give everything for that love but it still remains a self centered experience. There is a terror element coexistent with earthly love...
  6. Seeker47

    A Prayer

    Thought provoking and powerful....thank you for creating and posting.
  7. Seeker47

    A Question

    Your words are wise and encouraging. I will continue to pray for the day that all babies are adopted by loving families; and no child ever again experience being "unwanted". We, Bestwife and I; will continue to support our local pregnancy support organizations. I hope much of the resources...
  8. Seeker47

    A Question

    Thank you! You have stated the issues clearly and more directly than I ever could. I too have directed my attention to the support of mothers and babies. I really fear we are unprepared. The national "Snews Media" is waiting in the wings to highlight ANY tragic instance that occurs if any...
  9. Seeker47

    A Question

    While I do not believe the Supreme Court will reverse itself, it is a remote possibility. More likely, but still not unassured; restrictions may be imposed adding some additional protections to the unborn. My question, are we as Christians anywhere near prepared to support the mothers who may...
  10. Seeker47

    "Christians must resist all COVID-19 restrictions. Here’s why"

    There is an interesting study by the American Heart Association that found a significant increase in heart attack risk in patients post Mrna (Pfizer and Moderna) vaccination. You can read the article here.
  11. Seeker47

    Praying to God for a coffee?

    So an OP from a healthy, prosperous but vain young man asking if he should pray for what he wants, not what he needs, turns into a personal attack on charity? Sometimes I just shake my head in wonder.
  12. Seeker47

    Praying to God for a coffee?

    ...and yet you have a smartphone? There is so much wrong with this post.....(and no I won't explain).
  13. Seeker47

    A Psalm

    The hell of Samsara best expressed my feelings at the time when I could see no hope. It was a tough time.
  14. Seeker47


    Now, if CC could just help with my typing skills???!!!
  15. Seeker47

    Holiday depression

    I too, believe Thanksgiving is the best Christian Holiday. Sadly, too often I forget the part about being thankful to God for all He gives, a special day is necessary for me. I enjoy the family time, the sights and especially the smells of turkey, trimmings and fresh baked bread. Better, it...
  16. Seeker47


    Hello to you and welcome to CC. I hope you find fellowship and truth here that that helps your walk in Christ, I have!
  17. Seeker47

    Fond memories from my childhood

    What a beautiful memory you shared. I did well as a child too but you still made me a little envious (and hungry). God's creation is still beyond our comprehension,
  18. Seeker47

    How do you recover correctly after sinning?

    You are touching on an issue that eventually haunts nearly very Christian; how many times will the father forgive the prodigal son? Once, twice? Some may say 70 X 7 but that is the standard that Messiah gave us humans. We manage to forgive once or twice, maybe even seven, but then our pride...
  19. Seeker47

    I guess I’ll do this check in thing.

    Oh, many say I have been wrong for a long, long time. Nothing new there, I enjoy it. Welcome back.
  20. Seeker47

    Bible character you have a word or two for when you get to heaven

    I would enjoy a chat with Balaam's donkey......