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  1. L

    50 Reasons For a Pretribulational Rapture By Dr. John F. Walvoord

    Since Paul taught that the rapture would come JUST before the DAY, as in being the trigger for the Day, you can forget Rev. 4:1 and just believe the rapture will be "just" before the 6th seal. That fits with John because he saw the raptured church in heaven in the next chapter. The signs in...
  2. L

    When did (will) Jesus open the first seal in Rev. 6 and what does it represent?

    Agreed. But somewhere during that "eternal" He came to earth and took on the flesh of man.
  3. L

    When did (will) Jesus open the first seal in Rev. 6 and what does it represent?

    Why do you fight so hard over one scripture? Why not just believe it. You are not trying to correct me, you are trying to correct John. AMP And I began to weep greatly because no one was found worthy to open the scroll or look into it. OK, so not a man (Although Jesus WAS a man). Here it is...
  4. L

    Less well-known Rapture verses. The case for the Rapture is compelling.

    Wrong: the signs at the 6th seal - the sign for the coming Day of th eLord, come over 7 years before the signs after the trib - the sign for HIS coming to Armageddon. And the signs are different. At the 6th seal both the sun and moon are SEEN. The sign after the trib for His coming is total...
  5. L

    Less well-known Rapture verses. The case for the Rapture is compelling.

    You were doing well until you wrote in "the rapture' after the GT. That is myth.
  6. L

    50 Reasons For a Pretribulational Rapture By Dr. John F. Walvoord

    I meant what you thought I meant - I think! The rapture ends the church age and "time" goes right back to Jewish time as if the parenthesis of the church age was removed. But by that time, the Jewish age will have run out it the long promised Day of the Lord will start.
  7. L

    50 Reasons For a Pretribulational Rapture By Dr. John F. Walvoord

    The Church has been taken out of the midst of the tribulation. Yes, the every day tribulation of the church age. The church will certainly be taken out before the 70th week and the wrath of God. Perhaps we agree.
  8. L

    Dr Caroline Leaf 'Cleaning up Your Mental Mess' (It's a book)

    There will always be the poor. It is not God's doing. Being "poor" is the curse of the law: duet: 28.
  9. L

    When did (will) Jesus open the first seal in Rev. 6 and what does it represent?

    Now you are bringing in Adam? What? Another red herring? Are you saying that Jesus has ALWAYS and forever redeemed mankind - so He really never had to become human and die on the cross?
  10. L

    When did (will) Jesus open the first seal in Rev. 6 and what does it represent?

    It is an absolute fact of scripture that "no man was found worthy." Do you believe John or not? It's not ME you are disagreeing with, it is JOHN. Are you accusing John of blasphemy?
  11. L

    When did (will) Jesus open the first seal in Rev. 6 and what does it represent?

    Neither is there any verse there that shows a 2000 year wait! The goal is to get the book opened so Satan can be kicked off his throne as god of this world. Why would Jesus wait to begin this process? The Godhead had waiting 4000 years. Watermark has been telling us that it should happen...
  12. L

    When did (will) Jesus open the first seal in Rev. 6 and what does it represent?

    It was the very moment of His ascension into the throne room. Do you deny over 12 scriptures that tell us He ascended to sit at the right hand of the FAther?
  13. L

    When did (will) Jesus open the first seal in Rev. 6 and what does it represent?

    So WHO is the specific "they?" If it is a worldwide earthquake, every human will feel it. But some will be hurt. It says those who are in darkness. That to me means all who are not born again. I think you make too much ado over little: 9 For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain...
  14. L

    When did (will) Jesus open the first seal in Rev. 6 and what does it represent?

    YOU will have to be much clearer in what you are saying. "Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, "
  15. L

    When did (will) Jesus open the first seal in Rev. 6 and what does it represent?

    No, it was written on the outside of the book: ONLY the redeemer could take the book and open the seals. Before He rose from the dead, He had not yet completed becoming the redeemer. Did you not read? 9 And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals...
  16. L

    When did (will) Jesus open the first seal in Rev. 6 and what does it represent?

    So WHY was He not found? That is the question He asked me? “John watched a search to find one worthy to open the seals—a search that ended in failure—and that is the reason John wept much: no man was found worthy. However, if you read ahead, you find that I was found worthy to break the seals...
  17. L

    When did (will) Jesus open the first seal in Rev. 6 and what does it represent?

    Just read and believe what is written, and you will be right! I hope you know the difference between a vision and reality. Reality is always NOW. Then a minute later history. A vision can be of ANY time.
  18. L

    Less well-known Rapture verses. The case for the Rapture is compelling.

    Since it is written that He only spoke what He heard the Father say, then all of His sayings were prophecy!
  19. L

    Less well-known Rapture verses. The case for the Rapture is compelling.

    Yes, indeed I do. He comes back as shown in Rev. 19 and in the verse you mentioned. But BEFORE that, He comes to the air as in 1 Thes. 4 and catches up His bride. So He comes back FOR US then comes back WITH us.
  20. L

    Dr Caroline Leaf 'Cleaning up Your Mental Mess' (It's a book)

    So you are saying, when God promises something in His word, it is only good for Americans? Sorry, I can't buy that.