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  1. Desdichado

    The Best Western European Culture

    The third Jesus juke on this thread :ROFL:
  2. Desdichado

    The Best Western European Culture

    I too am a great admirer of the Dutch. No country produced their level of art. Their 19th century philosophical contributions are greatly underrated. The Portuguese broke barriers of exploration, but the Dutch juiced the fruits of that exploration more than any other nation...until the...
  3. Desdichado

    The Best Western European Culture

    None of this kumbaya, "we are the world, we are the children", Michael Jackson-John Lennon nonsense. In the end, there can be only one!
  4. Desdichado

    Antifa Activist who posed as Trump Supporter Arrested

    You can bet there will be more. These types tend to hunt in packs.
  5. Desdichado

    Antifa Activist who posed as Trump Supporter Arrested

    The affidavit for those who are interested.
  6. Desdichado

    The Best Western European Culture

    Dang. Italy has surged to the lead with three votes. I admire Italy, but... La garde meurt mais ne se rend pas! Vive la France!
  7. Desdichado

    The Best Western European Culture

    It's a legitimate spelling if you pair it with "style'n"
  8. Desdichado

    The Best Western European Culture

    It's interesting to me how three vocal respondents claim one solid ethnicity. As your average white American, my heritage can be summarized with a map of Europe. Granted, there's a higher concentration of British, French, and German. Normans on the British and German side too because they were...
  9. Desdichado

    The Best Western European Culture

    I'm pleased as punch whenever someone livens up my thread.
  10. Desdichado

    The Best Western European Culture

    No, I picked this name up from English literature. The book Ivanhoe. I wish I hadn't- it's given the Spanish speakers on here some confusion as well. I'm trying to impress a Brazilian au pair who lives a couple hours from me. So, yes, I'm trying to learn some Portuguese.
  11. Desdichado

    The Best Western European Culture

    If only Portugal still ran the world. Earthly paradise, I tell you. A chicken in every pot!
  12. Desdichado

    The Best Western European Culture

    Well, I reckon that's two votes for Portugal so far. Tied with Britain and Italy. France and Ireland are clawing along with one vote.
  13. Desdichado

    The Best Western European Culture

    Take it up with CC for putting a cap on poll options. :ROFL: In retrospect though, I should have punted the Czech to central/eastern Europe and put Portugal in its place.
  14. Desdichado

    The Best Western European Culture

    I'm glad I picked French merely because it's losing. Somebody has to support the underdog.
  15. Desdichado

    The Best Western European Culture

    Ran out of choices, but I'd say Romania is pretty squarely in Eastern Europe.
  16. Desdichado

    2020 American Election And President Trump Capitol Rally, Criminal Fraud Exposed!

    Bannon plagiarized me. He's a real class act. Long story.
  17. Desdichado

    2020 American Election And President Trump Capitol Rally, Criminal Fraud Exposed!

    There ya go, Miss Canada. You're in the clear. Tip a few cows. Break a few windows.
  18. Desdichado

    2020 American Election And President Trump Capitol Rally, Criminal Fraud Exposed!

    No, I mean the opposite. But I'll claim to be offended at all times if it keeps people off my block. It's like being that drunk guy who yells at people from the street corner at 2AM.