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  1. JohnDB

    In your opinion do you believe world is about 6000 years old

    They produce nuts for sure.... But only California has fruit. Kinda a thing for them. (Grapes, citrus and all orchard fruits) But I don't talk that way. Not enough whining ......and Californian's are all about whining or accusations. I escaped decades ago. Not going back if I can help it...
  2. JohnDB

    In your opinion do you believe world is about 6000 years old

    Georgia. I thought the location was obvious because ALL farms in Georgia were fruit and nut farms. 🤔
  3. JohnDB

    Hi I am single female Christian

    A lot of them and literally millions of single Christian women are searching for the proverbial unicorn of a single Christian male to have as a marriage partner. GLTY. You gonna need it. And if you marry a non-Christian man it usually ends in disaster. The forums and stories...
  4. JohnDB

    Programming....Predictive Programming

    I knew you were gonna say that. :ROFL:
  5. JohnDB

    Does Jesus Ever Forgive Those Who Are Not Sorry

    Let's use scripture to figure this out. Luke 12-13 is good for this. Lost sheep Lost coin Intentional sin Unforgiveness and judgementalism. This list in order of severity parallel this categorization. Sin of ignorance Sin of careless omittance Planned sins (knew but did it anyway)...
  6. JohnDB

    Let's talk Satan, demons, it's powers

    Personally, I believe in my own, personal Satan. I have nurtured him my whole life albeit unintentionally since becoming "Saved". Where I try my best to slaughter him, he always survives and comes back through the demons who I can never seem to completely eradicate. Demons are more like a...
  7. JohnDB

    In your opinion do you believe world is about 6000 years old

    Our blueberry bush isn't doing much this year. Barely keeping its leaves. We are hoping for a better year next year. It's been a rough year. It's either flooded or been extremely dry and hot. Our pecan trees have been in stress too. In about three months (January) I'll throw some...
  8. JohnDB

    In your opinion do you believe world is about 6000 years old

    I'm a Fig person myself.... Then there's peaches and pecans.... I got the fruit and nut farm going here. Grapes MIGHT do something next year....we live in hope. But to each their own.
  9. JohnDB

    In your opinion do you believe world is about 6000 years old

    YES....yes he is. But his counting of generations as in "the 4th generation" is according to Abraham's generation count not an arbitrary count which is 99-100 years old according to the birth of Isaac instead of Ishmael some 13-14 years previously.
  10. JohnDB

    In your opinion do you believe world is about 6000 years old

    But the earth wasn't created then.... It wasn't created with Egypt fully in existence. Just saying that there was a time period before the flood that consisted of several thousands of years before we got to the flood. Then at least several hundreds of years post flood before the Jews went...
  11. JohnDB

    In your opinion do you believe world is about 6000 years old

    As far as the Jews not being completely correct... I can go along with that. Rabbi Michael Snyder (expert on Levitical calendar) wrote a research paper on the Jewish Calendar and shows how there are obvious errors within it. (Not several thousand years) but enough to where the day we claim...
  12. JohnDB

    In your opinion do you believe world is about 6000 years old

    Masoretes were around long before 900 AD. They have been a sect of Judaism longer than that. But even still.... There's obvious flaws within your timeline if the Jews were in Egypt only 250 some odd years.
  13. JohnDB

    In your opinion do you believe world is about 6000 years old

    Ummmm Might need a "re-do" of those studies. Go to a Levitical calendar and note the year. (5780-something) Year one was the year the Israelites left Egypt after they had been there for roughly 400 years. And that's not accounting for Methuselah who lived to almost 1,000 years old before...
  14. JohnDB

    Churches teach bible theology but not how to apply it

    The lessons about HOW to live and act do not come from the sermons directly but indirectly....they come from making friends within the congregation and doing life as a community. A new family of sorts. Where the life lessons are made in conjunction with others. Even the Lord's Prayer is...
  15. JohnDB

    Which translation sits best with you?

    Just to tack on here.... To "fulfill" the scriptures of course means to live them out....but ALSO EQUALLY IMPORTANT was to make them understandable as to how to live to those around you. And in this we say that Jesus FULFILLED the Law of Moses. Ok....I'm done for the moment.
  16. JohnDB

    Which translation sits best with you?

    Both work well for me.... But I understand the Jewish concept of Submission/teaching and considerate/reasonable. In Jewish minds these things are the same thing and not separate from each other. Unlike modern Westernized thought which makes the distinction. And we are reading ANCIENT NEAR...
  17. JohnDB


    To be completely fair.... All of them were corrupted by the time the writing Apostles wrote their Gospel accounts and letters. It wasn't until Jerome around 400AD that the translation was once again unified. There were major variations because the Gentiles did not have the same militancy in...
  18. JohnDB

    Im new here. I need some help regarding 1 Corinth 11:14

    Even in the body of Christ. Just because the preachers on television didn't wear such hairstyles didn't mean a thing. God isn't going to exclude people based on their hair length. Some women get alopecia. Meaning they can't grow hair. That's not going to exclude them from heaven.
  19. JohnDB

    Im new here. I need some help regarding 1 Corinth 11:14

    If that were the case then clothing is things are in China very often. Nobody confuses men for women or vice versa. And Christian men and women in China are not into practicing the sexual perversions found here in America that seem to be at odds within the Churches here. There is...
  20. JohnDB

    The word of God is not a secret code that needs unlocked.

    What I am saying is that receiving is different from understanding. There are various methodologies for understanding what was said. The Axiom of; The New Testament is explained by the Old Testament and the New Testament reveals the Old Testament is true. You need to understand the Old...