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  1. JohnDB

    1John 1:9 Let's talk about it..

    So.... The both of you wish to bring division? Is that what you wish? Basically trolling a happy community? Why? Is that your "Claim to fame"? You pinnacle of success? Oh boy! You both have severe psychological issues if that is true.
  2. JohnDB

    1John 1:9 Let's talk about it..

    These are religious people concepts....not Christian concepts. The scriptures do not discuss these things. Only Hebrews (a letter addressed to the JEWS) discusses these concepts. Are you Jewish? Did you grow up in the Jewish faith? Because you posted a hypothetical that directly embodies...
  3. JohnDB

    Is there a difference.....

    Currently, there is a belief among singles (because so few get actually married anymore) that a baby is the end of your life. Your happy days are over and are now filled with mind numbing routines of drudgery and constant annoyances. And it has a miniscule element of truth....but misses the...
  4. JohnDB

    1John 1:9 Let's talk about it..

    Did they believe that Jesus is God? Or did they believe Jesus was just a Rabbi? That's the crux right there. Do you believe or not? It's not affinity It's not "strong like" or admiration. It's not an agreement of non aggression. It's belief Jesus is God. And belief that causes...
  5. JohnDB

    1John 1:9 Let's talk about it..

    One part willful and one part ignorance. Because WHO willingly walks away from Jesus who has TRULY met him and has a positive relationship with Jesus? (Nobody) What you are describing is hubris and pride. Very common and something that Christians don't have a lot of at all. Religious...
  6. JohnDB

    1John 1:9 Let's talk about it..

    That's a hypothetical....and a sin of ignorance (I already covered that).
  7. JohnDB

    1John 1:9 Let's talk about it..

    Instead of just making statements.... Let's use the entirety of scriptures to answer the sin/sins questions. Luke categorizes INDIVIDUAL sins as: Sins of Ignorance (lost sheep) Sins of Negligence (lost coin) Sins of Planning aforethought (Prodigal Son) Sins of Unforgiveness and...
  8. JohnDB

    A W Tozer

    He is an author who wrote something almost textbook today entitled "Knowledge of the Holy" which is the most up to date and thorough description of God's attributes. When we say "God is Sovereign" what do we really mean by that? Or God is Omniscient. Most of the theological errors can be...
  9. JohnDB


    Welcome, I've visited a lot of places...met lots of people and Christians. Can you briefly tell us a little about what an Algerian Christian is and what is unique about the way you practice your faith?
  10. JohnDB

    Tooth Ache

    It should be or started in March. It's Christmas today.
  11. JohnDB

    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas to everyone who worships the God of Hope, Peace, Love, and Joy.
  12. JohnDB

    Why does Donald Trump want to abolish the debt ceiling?

    Congress should get the same pay increases SS retirees get. If 40% is good for congress then SS retirees should get the same. There's another section of this bill to expand SS which is essentially "double dipping" . Those working for the RR or Government Service that do not pay and have...
  13. JohnDB

    It's good to be single.

    Apparently there exists a loneliness epidemic in America.
  14. JohnDB

    Syria Has Fallen

    I quoted the wrong guy....sorry....I meant that for you but my fat fingers hit the wrong spot on this tiny phone....
  15. JohnDB

    Syria Has Fallen

    Thank you so much for joining this discussion....and are willing to share what life in Syria is like. You have better knowledge than most for this complicated situation and can help some who flat out dont understand the complexity of the various groups. What Syria's future will be I really...
  16. JohnDB

    Syria Has Fallen

    There is a group of Syrians in South Syria that wishes to join Israel....and not be a part of Syria. They may get their wish. They are Christians predominantly but some are Muslims. And they are NOT Kurds. Kurds are the Medes mentioned in Daniel. As in "Darius the Mede"...from the...
  17. JohnDB

    Why does Donald Trump want to abolish the debt ceiling?

    There currently is a bill running through congress to greatly EXPAND those who can get SS benefits by being here illegally or disadvantaged or chemical dependent. Meaning just about anyone can get benefits. Just for the asking. Bankrupting the whole system. Meanwhile, congress wants a...
  18. JohnDB

    Why does Donald Trump want to abolish the debt ceiling?

    The BIGGEST problem is those who have paid less than 40 calendar quarters getting the same benefit as those who paid in 120-160 calendar quarters. And those who have paid in that long are getting robbed by the illegal aliens receiving benefits. Or If you have paid in 120 calendar quarters...
  19. JohnDB

    When do people truly repent of their sins, before or after truly believing in Jesus?

    Psalms 66 17I cried out to him with my mouth; his praise was on my tongue. 18 If I had cherished sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened; 19 but God has surely listened and has heard my prayer.
  20. JohnDB


    Joshua 5 13 Now when Joshua was near Jericho, he looked up and saw a man standing in front of him with a drawn sword in his hand. Joshua went up to him and asked, “Are you for us or for our enemies?” 14 “Neither,” he replied, “but as commander of the army of the Lord I have now come.” Then...