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  1. Chris1975

    Apostasy 101

    All in the SAME chapter of the bible below: Deuteronomy 31v6 Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.” Deuteronomy 31v8 And the Lord, He is the One who goes before you. He...
  2. Chris1975

    Not By Works

    Hebrews 5 9 And having been perfected, He became the author of eternal salvation to all who obey Him, -This scripture means EXACTLY what it says. No filter necessary through erroneous paradigms. -obedience is after first belief. Obedience is ongoing. -Why do you call me Lord, Lord, and not DO...
  3. Chris1975

    Not By Works

    So what are the consequences?
  4. Chris1975

    Not By Works

    You deny the scriptures. And in so doing pierce your own soul. Hebrews 10v26+
  5. Chris1975

    Not By Works

    And what are the consequences for those who claim to believe in Christ but are found in this willful practice of sin that you describe above?
  6. Chris1975

    Not By Works

    It is used interchangeably in this context. See Romans 7v24 and then the rest of Ch7 and into Romans 8.
  7. Chris1975

    Not By Works

    So now that you have typed all of this out, where is the scope for a Christian to live in sin and continue to be saved (based only on what you have written above)?
  8. Chris1975

    Not By Works

    Press the little up arrows to see what I said. Its not what you imply above. So don't put words in my mouth.
  9. Chris1975

    Not By Works

    I won't cry myself to sleep.
  10. Chris1975

    Not By Works

    A regenerated person is made up of 3 (THREE) parts. Body/Flesh ; Soul; Spirit The SOUL that sins will die. It is the SOUL that makes the CHOICE whether to live by the Spirit or by the Flesh. If your SOUL lives according to the Flesh, your SOUL will go to hell. If your SOUL is led by the Spirit...
  11. Chris1975

    Not By Works

    Now read again verses 12-14 to know how this is applied.
  12. Chris1975

    Not By Works

    The New Birth (and New Creation) is NO LESS of a miracle than the parting of the Red Sea. Many here appropriate and bandy about the term "born again" without ANY understanding of the power available to the new creature. You say you are "born again" but don't have the faith to appropriate the...
  13. Chris1975

    Not By Works

    He who sins is of the devil (John's words). Are they saved Eternally-Grateful?
  14. Chris1975

    Gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable???????????

    For the Red Font Highlighted Section, is this mere opinion or can you back this up with scripture? Looking for crisp support for what you are saying. Not into speculation mode.
  15. Chris1975

    Not By Works

    If you LOVE you fulfil the law. If you sin you don't love. 1 John 3 7 Little children, let no one deceive you. He who practices righteousness is righteous, just as He is righteous. 8 He who sins is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. I can go on all day with this...
  16. Chris1975

    Not By Works

    Hebrews 5v9
  17. Chris1975

    Not By Works

    Same chapter…. 1 John 3 4 Whoever commits sin also commits lawlessness, and sin is lawlessness. Romans 13 8 Owe no one anything except to love one another, for he who loves another has fulfilled the law. 9 For the commandments, “You shall not commit adultery,” “You shall not murder,” “You...
  18. Chris1975

    Apostasy 101

    And if you believe Him do you believe His words? Because believing in Him includes believing His words.
  19. Chris1975

    Not By Works

    John says what I've been telling you all along.
  20. Chris1975

    Not By Works

    You seem to change your tune every other day of the week. You can be quoted as saying REPENTANCE IS NOT NECESSARY BECAUSE YOU REPENTED WHEN YOU FIRST BELIEVED. And then you type the above. So what is it? Which side of the fence are you leaning over today?