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  1. Aidan1


    Hope you will give us in April 23 an apologize for these baseless claimings. Would be nice. And hope you survive the virus.
  2. Aidan1


    Then I will you an example. Roadrules are made for what? Controle the people or protect the people? I know many Christians which have no problem to ignore the roadrules and driving much faster and become a risk for others and themself. Will you tell me that the christian consience is more...
  3. Aidan1


    I see, you dont understand the problem. Without vaccine, we would have much more filled hospital with Covid Patients, we would have more killed people through covid. And we would have much more restrictions then we have now. The Winter in europe is coming, and the expections are there that the...
  4. Aidan1


    Of course, in a normal situation. But you cant call the covid Pandemie a normal situation. Btw, in germany they dont shorten the experimental time, but the paperwar time for to get allowness to the market. According you, we would wait 12 years, but then we would have a much more worse situation...
  5. Aidan1


    No, i dont agree ! Those who bring profless claimes into the game and having no expierence with this stuff and spreading confusion, fear and Rebellion have to bring the prof first, then to make such claimes.
  6. Aidan1


    No I dont agree. One side has goverment the responsibility to protect the citizens. Otherside have the citizens not the right to misuse the protection from the government. F.e. the social system. The vaccines are there for to protect the people so good as possible. If people reject this, they...
  7. Aidan1

    Unsaved family members

    Well, acting according your best consience and knowledge. And let it in the Hand of the Lord. I came to the Lord in age of 25. And for my family I was a stranger. Meanwhile are 27 years marriaged, 4 children, which as children turned to Christ. But yet living without Him. Praying and trusting...
  8. Aidan1


    The Opposition comes automaticly. As you see how people treat the vaccination. From a tool for help till a devils Tool. The politcians have to make deceisions. In the best way for the benefit of their citizienz. They have always Opposition. Dosnt matter what they deceide.
  9. Aidan1


    I am not the goverment. And I am not making the law. Vaccined people dont need a PCR Test anymore.
  10. Aidan1


    Well in princip you are right, nobody can force you to take the vaccine. But it will become a problem when the majority took the vaccine. And if the goverment gives the vaccined people the possibility for travel and so on, back. The unvaccined become to a risk for the community. If you want...
  11. Aidan1


    Why then you did not made this to an thread years before? But i suppose you never had polio or rabies or Hepatitis A.
  12. Aidan1


    Why the vax was made? Because of an virus, which is high infectious, new and nobody knows how worse it will be. We have the pictures from New York and north Italy. Till today 4.550000 people died because of Corona and not only old people. Who takes your freedom? What is freedom. To do what i...
  13. Aidan1


    You misinterpretet what i said. The Babys were not murdered for to create the vaccine!! This is not true!! The vaccine against covid was produced in 2020? The 2 fetals were murdered in 1960er /1980er years. Why you began now to judge the vaccine, but not those vaccines which were produced...
  14. Aidan1


    What is is your eyes modern? I mean in the 90s it came aware that stammelte from 1 fetal put of the 60s and 1 fetal from the 80s were used to envelope cell lines. Out which were made vaccine against polio, rabies, chickenpox and measles. F.e. this unbornbabys were not murdered for the vaccine...
  15. Aidan1


    Still the same, you belong to those who spread untruth. Your posts again shows that you have no idea about what a virus is and what not. Again, if the virus was not identyfied as the virus or what you mean with " isolatet", then it would not possible to find it in the lab. Do you think the...
  16. Aidan1


    Then you must fairly confess, that you cant say that this 2 fetas were murdered because of the vaccine. This makes a big different! You dont know if you got your food and cloth from a murderer or childabuser. How many children dieing and getting sick in india and other countrys, because of we...
  17. Aidan1


    If it is correct to buying food and cloth from a sinner? If so then you have to produce your food and cloth from your own, but be careful not to sin. The 2 Babys you mentioned where murdered in the 60s and 80s. Today is nothing from them in the vaccines. People researched and cut of death...
  18. Aidan1


    If conservative organisations spreading untruth it may be. But they are transparent and you can research their reports/statements Finaly it is anyway difficult to trust anybody. But when believers came up with the claime that the vaccine is the virus. Then I asked where come such claimings...
  19. Aidan1


    Easy, the virus was before the vaccine. (Maby you forget NY ore northitaly) And without virus no vaccine nessasary. And without virus how can be produced a vaccine? Dont forget worldwide the people searched to produce a vaccine. - no political different: Communists, left, right, Democrates...
  20. Aidan1

    Liars Are Born That Way
