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  1. star

    Not By Works

    That means all their work was for naught. What a disappointment that will be.
  2. star

    Not By Works

    Anyone who believes that salvation can be lost once received, are preaching a false teaching. There is only one way to salvation. That salvation, once attained, is sealed forever by the power of the HS and the promise of God Almighty
  3. star

    Not By Works

    For all the naysayers about OSAS, where is your confidence in your personal salvation? How much work do you propose you have to done on a daily basis in order to maintain and keep your personal salvation? Whoo, I'd say you must be very, very tired at the end of a day. The sad part is that...
  4. star

    Not By Works

    All the work for salvation has already been done....through Jesus Christ our Lord.
  5. star

    Not By Works

    I hope so. I couldn't post one single thing he didn't rebutt
  6. star

    Not By Works

    Thanks. It is my pleasure to add what little I have.
  7. star


    Today March 27, 2019 marks the 8th year that my step-daughter took her own life. Some things just refuse to heal.
  8. star

    Not By Works

    I'm studying Philippians in my morning devotions. Paul clearly states he trusts the Lord Jesus and Him only for his salvation. Paul gave up his claim on his own righteousness and that the righteousness which is of God by faith is the only righteousness that counts.
  9. star

    Not By Works

    I'd say your heap of trouble is larger than mine.
  10. star

    Not By Works

    You are nothing but a troll looking for followers. Me thinks I'll leave you to your quest.
  11. star

    Not By Works

    This person loves to bloviate.
  12. star

    Not By Works

    The "mind of Christ" is being humble, seeking to be God's instrument, loving God and serving God by putting others before one's self.
  13. star

    Not By Works

    Now he is calling me Satan.
  14. star

    Not By Works

    You are the one spewing forth false teaching. Satan is the liar of all liars.
  15. star

    Not By Works

    You are a troll who is spreading untruth about Jesus Christ and the Word of God.
  16. star

    Not By Works

    You need to read scripture about "having the mind of Christ." As for being obedient to get saved. Yes, I absolutely refute that false teaching.
  17. star


    I'm thankful you did not succeed in that quest. Praise God He intervened.
  18. star

    Not By Works

    In my morning devotion today, Paul accounted nothing he had, would ever have as righteousness. The only "righteousness" he claimed was the righteousness of Jesus Christ. Paul's "faith" was what counted, not any works he may have or may do.
  19. star


    I'm as well sorry for your loss through such a tragedy. That is what suicide is. A tragedy. It is our responsibility to give comfort, compassion, and assistance to anyone who has gone through, considering or committed suicide. God's Word does not say anywhere in it that suicide will keep one...
  20. star

    Not By Works

    Grow in the knowledge of Jesus Christ. Develop the "mind of Christ." The HS will help you. But first you must yield to Him.