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  1. mustaphadrink

    Visualization in Prayer

    Like so many things in today's church, prayer has become religious. In other words you have to do it a certain way for it to be prayer. I disagree with this concept entirely. In one prayer meeting I was in charge of a young man, for the life of him could not pray verbally. I spoke to him and...
  2. mustaphadrink

    Why Do Christians Ignore Most of the Old Testament Rules?

    T|he answer is very simple. Most church leaders do not understand the Old Testament beyond its sybolism so they cannot give any meaningful instruction on the topic.
  3. mustaphadrink

    Are there any radical reformers out there?

    I can only answer from a New Testament perspective. I will surmise that the church in the New Testament was of significant size if there was only one church in each town. I have no problem with this concept as long as the structure is New Testament. For it to be New Testament, it will need...
  4. mustaphadrink

    Are there any radical reformers out there?

    Re: first one, depends what they believe and do. A non-denominationla church can be guilty of maintaining the status quo. In the New Testament, which was a house church, the overseers were Elders, not a pastor. There was only one church in each town as in the Church at Corinth, not the churches...
  5. mustaphadrink

    Where does agnostisism lead?

    Where does agnosticism lead? Simple. A life without God who loved us and gave himself for us through Jesus Christ his son. Agnosticism is the view that the existence of God, of the divine or the supernatural is unknown or unknowable. Another definition provided is the view that "human reason...
  6. mustaphadrink

    Are there any radical reformers out there?

    I had read some time ago that there was upward of one million believers that had given up on the denominational church in America and were now meeting in homes. Anyone's guess how many there are now. I rerad of a house church in India with 100,000 members. All scattered around the city meeting...
  7. mustaphadrink

    In The name of the Father , Son and Holy Ghost

    Oh dear forgive me Lord but you are as thick as a brick. You NEVER, NEVER, NEVER form a doctrine with one verse of scripture. Let me say that again. You NEVER, NEVER, NEVER form a doctrtine from one verse of scripture. The other point is that the New Testament Church disagrees with you. If...
  8. mustaphadrink

    In The name of the Father , Son and Holy Ghost

    Wrong. There is only one verse Matthew 28 that say to baptise in the trinity and as we all know, or should know you NEVER form a doctrine on one verse of scripture. Every other reference in scripture is baptism in the name of Jesus or Jesus Christ. So one has to find out why Matt 28 is...
  9. mustaphadrink

    In The name of the Father , Son and Holy Ghost

    And what is the point of posting all those verses?
  10. mustaphadrink

    Christian "catchphrases"

    God so loved the world he did not send a committee.
  11. mustaphadrink

    California set to ban separate toy aisles for boys and girls

    Yes you have missed something. This is part of the bigger picture where Satan is trying to erase all differences between men and women. And why is this? Simple. Man and woman are the image of God. If he can erase that image then he can control society better. Until a couple of years ago there...
  12. mustaphadrink

    How is loneliness while single different from loneliness in marriage?

    I don't understand this being lonely whilst single. Before I married, I never had time to get lonely as I was always about my father's business. I was out most nights in some form of christian activity and if not that I was doing things for other people.
  13. mustaphadrink

    California set to ban separate toy aisles for boys and girls

    Great idea. Let's not have separate ailes for clothing; tampons; shoes; underwear; shavers; perfume; changing rooms to name a few more.
  14. mustaphadrink

    Are WOMEN Pastors Biblical??

    Two things. God did not call pastors to be head of the church. He called Elderrs, some of whom might have the gift of shepherding. I have no idea what you mean when you said I talked myself out of my own thesis. I have not written a thesis here.
  15. mustaphadrink

    Are there any radical reformers out there?

    Your post does not address the wrong assumptions you have made about me.
  16. mustaphadrink

    Largest cause of death for 2020 is...

    There is something not right with abortion. if you kill a dog you can go to jail. if you kill a baby you are paid for the privilege. How sick is that. That ANYONE defends the right to kill a baby shows what a sick society we live in. In all honesty, what have they done to be murdered...
  17. mustaphadrink

    Are there any radical reformers out there?

    Your post does not address the wrong assumptions you have made of me.
  18. mustaphadrink

    Are WOMEN Pastors Biblical??

    "In addition, I do believe that ONE Verse is adequate to speak the truth of God's Word" That is the difference between you and me. What I believe is irrelevant unless it is backed up by scripture and is supported by scholarly dissertation. Plus and this is a very big plus, in all christian...
  19. mustaphadrink

    Are WOMEN Pastors Biblical??

    Par for the course that if anyone mentions learned study, degrees or learning from men who are approved the standard response seems to be "So what." So I will tell you so what. Without such in depth study, learning and degrees we would be the most ignorant of people just throwing around...
  20. mustaphadrink

    Are there any radical reformers out there?

    Y|ou have made too many assumption about me most of which are incorrect. And your comment "so you don't find value in reading historical accounts" etc. shows that you do not do your homework.