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  1. mustaphadrink

    Responding to Atheists

    So what is your answer subhuman?
  2. mustaphadrink

    Praying and planning my attack any suggestions?

    The problem you are up against is that many christians see nothing wrong with abortion. They are guided by secular humanism and the arguments they make to justify the murder of innocent babies. I oppose it all over the internet but then I have been doing that for many years now. If you want to...
  3. mustaphadrink

    Responding to Atheists

    Claiming that is a double negative. If you have never had God in your life, how do you know that you don't need God in your life? It is no different to a mother who has put her child in childcare from six months on saying that it doesn't hurt him to be there. How does she know unless she hasn't...
  4. mustaphadrink

    Are WOMEN Pastors Biblical??

    I have no idea what you are getting at?
  5. mustaphadrink

    Are WOMEN Pastors Biblical??

    Thank you for your dismissal of what I have studied over the years. It does sound as though you have superior knowledge to me even though I have four degrees and produced a paper for a Ph.D. I must go talk to my alma mater and let them know what they teach is all wrong because Tararose said so...
  6. mustaphadrink

    Today’s church’s misunderstandings

    I NEVER said I had a library of 100 books. I said I had a library of over 1,000 books. I wilol ignore your sarcasm and put downs as I am very secure in my walk with the Lord and am not the slightest bit interested in your pontifical judgments. FYI, I know what I know because I have been very...
  7. mustaphadrink

    Are WOMEN Pastors Biblical??

    You seem to specialise in claiming that which is not there. Not once and I emphasise this, not once have I said that the present day church appoints its leadership in accordance to Timothy. That means I am not argueing from a false platform. I am not following any pattern of leadership...
  8. mustaphadrink

    Today’s church’s misunderstandings

    Seems that you answered your own question.
  9. mustaphadrink

    Today’s church’s misunderstandings

    I know one of the misunderstandings that the church has and that is if we do things "my way" and ignore scripture, somehow we can expect God to bless what we do.
  10. mustaphadrink

    California set to ban separate toy aisles for boys and girls

    I hope you are thanking God for your deliverance as in deliver us from evil (California).
  11. mustaphadrink

    California set to ban separate toy aisles for boys and girls

    Being retired I have plenty of time to read. Plus I was employed by the church to investigate society, research issues and document trends. It is very clear to me that the current fad of transgender is a ploy of Satan as part of his plan to destroy the image of God in the family. If he can...
  12. mustaphadrink

    Today’s church’s misunderstandings

    I am not mikstaken about the purpose of the Old Covenant. In Bible College my lecturer for Old Testament Theology was a converted Jew. There was NOTHING that we could ask that he did not know the answer to.
  13. mustaphadrink

    Are WOMEN Pastors Biblical??

    Having spent two years studying this subject and written a paper for a Ph.D. and which included reading over 60 books dealing with leadership in the church, my conclusions are quite biblical as I don't think that over 60 different authors are wrong. In the New Testament there are 26 verses...
  14. mustaphadrink

    Today’s church’s misunderstandings

    it is quite regular that some people who are challenged on their beliefs rubbish learning. Surprising really as you rely on 66 books. I have over 1,000 books in my personal library. I am widely read because I like to see every side to the argument before I draw my own conclusion. The word of...
  15. mustaphadrink

    Today’s church’s misunderstandings

    I do not know what proof you are talking about but whatever proof is provided I am sure you will reject it. Look up the original greek yourself that is all it needs.
  16. mustaphadrink

    The Invention of Homosexuality

    What has being happy got to do with being homosexual?
  17. mustaphadrink

    Are WOMEN Pastors Biblical??

    Whatever you say, your view cannot overide the scriptures to be correct. I have noted that those who claim the scripture supports female elders seem to ignore Timothy and Titus regarding the instructions Paul gave Timothy in appointing Elders. I have asked this several times without receiving...
  18. mustaphadrink

    Today’s church’s misunderstandings

    The first day of the week is incorrectly interpreted. In several cases, it means on one of the sabbaths in the Greek.
  19. mustaphadrink

    Today’s church’s misunderstandings

    A lot of the comments in this thread are born of ignorance. The most common one is that the Old Covenant cannot give us salvation so it is no longer valid. Saying that shows a distinct ignorance of the Old Covenant and what it set out to achieve and an ignorance of the New Covenant in relation...
  20. mustaphadrink

    Are WOMEN Pastors Biblical??

    Red herrings in totality One. No on has said women are only useful for arranging flowers and producing babies. Just for the record my wife is much better than me at arranging flowers and she is definitely much more gifted in producing babies. Me zero. Wife two. Two. No on has said that women...