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  1. homwardbound

    How much time do you spend in fellowship with God every day?

    This is my story this is my song, praising my savior all day long! My Father and risen Son song along
  2. homwardbound

    Justification from everlasting !

    Therefore how does one, anyone know? We are all called to beleive God are we not? I see the foreknowledge of God in seeing who will believe and who will not believe, yet this mess is still going on here on earth is it not. therefore not all are in belief yet are they. Also to see those that...
  3. homwardbound

    Im new here. I need some help regarding 1 Corinth 11:14

    In "unbelief" to be liked and accepted by others, having the wrong motives. it goes so much deeper than shaving or doing even not doing anything God judges us all by our motives Matthew 7:23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. James 4:3 Ye...
  4. homwardbound

    Perry Stone?

    Put trust in no flesh, not even self or even Paul in the Bible. Have no God above God Phil 3 is that message I hear from Paul to us all Authorized (King James) Version Phil 3:1-2 Finally, my brethren, rejoice in the Lord. To write the same things to you, to me indeed is not grievous, but for...
  5. homwardbound


    that is the whole truth, thank you for having the correct motive as those that do not will not get according to James James 4:3 Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts. thank you fro sharing the correct motive friend in the risen Son Jesus for su to...
  6. homwardbound


    Not sure I missed the point, yet you say I have, great So, therefore they were saved before water Baptism by God right? At least we see that, when Peter entered the Gentile House of Cornelius, illegally according to Jewish Law then. God did the preaching through Peter to them (Luke 21:14-15)...
  7. homwardbound

    Did Jesus Die on The Cross for The Just/Elect/Saved Whose Names Are Written in The Book of Life OR

    therefore, how does one, anyone know if they are in or not? God says to beleive God, then one will see and be freed. Are we freed in religion? I never was at least me until I learned God just loves me too as God continues to love us all in error or not, I see Romans 2:1-4, every time I think to...
  8. homwardbound


    there is a lot of playing Church, yet God continues with us all for us all to see and decide and see our errors here growing up or not. God knowing the desires in each of us, allows revelations to us each personally to see and become content, and learn to not think we know truth, when only God...
  9. homwardbound

    Are we Living in the Time of the Fallen Away?

    Stop, see the relationship offered us from God Father in the risen Son to us. Who at the cross first took away sin, (all the nasty nines and dirty dozen) everything but "Unbelief" to him that the first Adam started in "unbelief" to God, who ate from the tree of knowledge. We all are first born...
  10. homwardbound

    Im new here. I need some help regarding 1 Corinth 11:14

    As the heathens do, agreed thanks
  11. homwardbound

    How much time do you spend in fellowship with God every day?

    I get from your post stand, stay in the present, that is God's present to us to live in the present, not past (it is past) not future (It is not here yet) oh wait a sec, it is now and continues to be in thanksgiving and praise whether it is going well our not for now, that be trust no matter...
  12. homwardbound

    The Mark of the Beast

    Therefore, believe, receive and see God seriously loves us all y'all, and I am thankful have. a great day
  13. homwardbound

    God's righteousness

    It is God’s righteousness that sustains my Soul As food sustains my flesh, God sustains my Soul, by Son Jesus for me, since I am not perfect as called to be perfect according to the Old Testament God wants perfection, yet I see by my trying to do it righteously "I" never have, has anyone else...
  14. homwardbound

    Im new here. I need some help regarding 1 Corinth 11:14

    Yes I get that I think does not even nature (People) teach you it is a shame to have long hair. Structure, world structure as they went against Jesus, who was not a Levite. Was from another tribe, Hebrews 7:11-12
  15. homwardbound

    How much time do you spend in fellowship with God every day?

    For me, it is God is in me, never leaving, never forsaking me, even though I have again and again. By this continued mercy I saw how to stop and see it new and not me stopping anything. Rather, it is God Father in of risen Son doing that in love and mercy through me. His done work, not any new...
  16. homwardbound

    Justification from everlasting !

    Elated you are at rest in this earth mess
  17. homwardbound


    Continue to stand in belief, continue evening if you sin again, continue and you will see clearer than yesterday or a month or a year ago, as God will not ever quit on teaching you truth over error here in this world, we all have done wrong(s) and many after belief also, some worse than when did...
  18. homwardbound

    How much time do you spend in fellowship with God every day?

    that is the call y'all a relationship of love to us to stand in and respond to it, thanks friend in the risen Son too
  19. homwardbound

    Im new here. I need some help regarding 1 Corinth 11:14

    Wow, in the Old Testament, Samson had long hair and strength was in and through him from it. The heathen were sore afraid and it was Delilah that wrecked it for him, reporting to the people in unbelief how Samson had his strength Amazing story to read, about what happened after he was caught by...
  20. homwardbound

    In Hell

    Therefore, we are left with what to do, help that one and not the other one? I want in don't you? Therefore what did God do to save us? What is done, is not done for me to be new too and do or not do as Ecclesiastes tells me about there is a time when and when not to do. it is by God all in all...