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  1. Zandar

    Will Trump settle with four years?

    I dont think they will let Trump back in. I'm sure Biden will get back in. Over the years I've learned that US politics is like watching wrestling. You've got Hulk Hogan on one side and Macho Man on the other and at the end of the day both go out to dinner together.
  2. Zandar

    The Gun Thread

    I reuse my 17 hulls by practicing firing with them 2 more times before i throw them away, so each round has 3 lives.
  3. Zandar

    No, the earth is not flat.

    Gravity does exist and 2+2 = 4 but that doesnt mean the earth is what we think it is.
  4. Zandar

    ~Chuckle for the Day~

    This use the h word a couple times, sorry, but its pretty funny. (unless your emo).
  5. Zandar

    Strictly Miscellaneous

    I daily drive an auto but i still own a manual second car. I had a manual daily driver for 14 years.
  6. Zandar

    the Sabbath

    Yall have been very busy today.
  7. Zandar

    Strictly Miscellaneous

    welp, there went that
  8. Zandar

    Scripture Based Flat Earth Proposition

    My dad is a contrariest and I dont think he gets tired of arguing, lol. I get to a point where I realize its about whose right and not about the truth and then thats when I get tired of talking about something and I only listen.
  9. Zandar

    What do yall think about the Wulfila bible translation?

    The Greek text that it was translated from is long gone. We can only trust that they(he) got it right.
  10. Zandar

    What do yall think about the Wulfila bible translation?

    Ive looked at some of it and it isnt really readable for an English only speaker. Very interesting though. Too bad they dont have the whole thing.
  11. Zandar

    the Sabbath

    In Genesis there is the 7th day of rest that the Lord blessed. The next Sabbath we see is the last plague of Eygpt. The Lord said, this shall be the first of the year for you. (paraphrased) and He talks about the seventh day and the night that the death Angel will pass over them when He(the...
  12. Zandar

    the Sabbath

    You got me thinking. I'll look around some more. Its been a while since I read through a lot of the stuff about the days and all that.
  13. Zandar

    What do yall think about the Wulfila bible translation?

    This was supposed to be a translation from Greek to German Gothic in the forth century. Its last printing was in the 1800s.
  14. Zandar

    the Sabbath

    My point being, Sunday or Saturday may or may not fall on the real Sabbath day of the week.
  15. Zandar

    the Sabbath

    Some of the weeks in the old testament had 8 days, so it had 2 sabbaths. Their month started on the first light of the new moon(when the first sliver of moon appears in the west after sunset) and they counted the days starting and ending in the afternoon until the next sliver of the new moon so...
  16. Zandar

    Scripture Based Flat Earth Proposition

    I know we've talked about this before, but it mentions the sun moving in a circuit. All things are full of labor it says.