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    I check charities out at Charity Navigator. The UN's World Food Programme has a U.S arm also and a 97% rating. Anyone donating after reading the OP article? School closure in America certainly impacted the starvation rate...
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    NYC Orthodox Jews Burn Masks, Chant ‘Jew Lives Matter’

    They should open their piggy bank and then be ushered into a prison cell for a long term of years. Do that make it a life feed for the Net and a public media event on the courthouse steps. It may send a message to the other crony politicians once they see the penalty for violating our rights...
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    Difference between Shavuot and Pentecost

    Fair point. However, we as the individual Christian are not responsible for the minds of others in Christ. We are responsible for our knowledge afforded through the truth that God's word imparts to us. For those who pick and choose what they hold faithfully as God did mean to say, or didn't...
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    (This is a true news story) New Orleans Archbishop condemns priest’s desecration of altar in ‘demonic’ sex act

    Sinners sin, I think that is a given. However, if we're saying those who are Catholic are not saved because they are Catholic then I disagree.
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    Difference between Shavuot and Pentecost

    Probably what was spoken in the scripture, we are all one in Christ Jesus. No Jew, no Gentile, no male, no female. All one.
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    NYC Orthodox Jews Burn Masks, Chant ‘Jew Lives Matter’

    Worshiping at home isn't the same as worshiping together as the synagogue or church. I'm waiting to hear Cuomo sets the same restrictions on mosques. And waiting, and waiting, and....
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    UC Davis Researcher Studying Whether Dogs Can Detect The Smell Of COVID-19

    I don't see this Covid 19 lock down coming to an end anytime soon. Why would anyone train dogs to sniff out a virus? CBS Sacramento UC Davis Researcher Studying Whether Dogs Can Detect The Smell Of COVID-19 By Steve Large October 12, 2020 SACRAMENTO (CBS13) – A UC Davis alum is on a team...
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    Difference between Shavuot and Pentecost

    Shavuot translates as weeks. While the etymology behind Pentecost is pentekostos and which translates as, fiftieth. This then transfers to pentekoste(50th) hēmera(day) , or to say, fiftieth day. And the fiftieth (50th) day falls as the fiftieth day after Passover. That day is also known as the...
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    Would You . . .

    MSW? If a family member was a domestic terrorist the likes of the violent murderous members of BLM or Antifa, I sure would turn them in. It would be my duty to public service to save people from that brand of evil. Blood or not. If my blood intended to cause others to bleed, you better believe it.
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    NYC Orthodox Jews Burn Masks, Chant ‘Jew Lives Matter’

    Also, I think Cuomo has been fed the same water as what has created our resident dictator in Covidfornia. We gotta do something about that water supply people. Crazy leadership is happening in more than just this one blue state. How do you suppose the authorities are going to ascertain where...
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    When are we saved ?

    When? The moment we believe. Acts 16:30–34 when the Philippian jailer asked Paul and Silas, “what must I do to be saved?”, Paul and Silas said, “Believe on the Lord Jesus, and you shall be saved, you and your household.”
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    NYC Orthodox Jews Burn Masks, Chant ‘Jew Lives Matter’

    I wonder if Karl Marx is spinning in his crypt due to his laughter or great satisfaction that the opium of the masses is being cut to near nothing now and by the dealers? I hope the members of those synagogues in NY follow the example of California's Pastor John MacArthur. And I pray they win...
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    (This is a true news story) New Orleans Archbishop condemns priest’s desecration of altar in ‘demonic’ sex act

    At this moment other than to say this, I am at a loss for words or the ability to truly absorb how this could be a true story. But it is. October 11th, 2020 Christian Post Church of Sts Peter and Paul, Pearl River, Louisiana. The Archbishop of New Orleans has expressed anger over a...
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    Annual "Christmas is PAGAN!!!" thread

    And very very painful.
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    Tragic loss

    The Lord does forgive. If you're still here after carrying this rant on beyond just this first one allow me to make a very simple observation. Wives was a typo corrected to lives. What father insults the memory of his dead son in a memorial thread the father started himself? None. I understand...
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    Strictly Miscellaneous

    The alternative is supporting Devils and their anti-America agenda. Choose.
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    The first three minutes should clear it up.
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    Annual "Christmas is PAGAN!!!" thread

    We're ahead of the Christmas rush. ;)
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    So I Bought This Perfume... And I Think It Makes Me Smell Like a Dude...

    Maybe the anger emoji is because he bought yet another pair of pants. :LOL: