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  1. MessengerofTruth

    Hi Siddhikoli, I Have thought of you today and wondered a couple of times how you are doing...

    Hi Siddhikoli, I Have thought of you today and wondered a couple of times how you are doing? Love you! Angela
  2. MessengerofTruth

    What are you listening to?

    okay, I'll stop after this one... He inhabits the praises of His people!!! HALLELUYAH!!!
  3. MessengerofTruth

    What are you listening to?

    and another... :):cry::giggle:
  4. MessengerofTruth

    What are you listening to?

    One of my most favorite Brother artist: Phil Wickham What we listen to and look unto we will become... Beholding Him (Christ), we are changed from glory to glory.
  5. MessengerofTruth

    Observing the sabbath???

    I can only speak as to what the scripture says and what the Father teaches me. Each of us will stand before the Judgement Seat of Christ. If it says sin is the transgression of the Law, I will seek the LORD to be in right standing with Him. I would not know what sin is without the law. So, it is...
  6. MessengerofTruth

    Dressing modestly 1 Timothy 2:9

    I would like to encourage you too. I dress modestly, having the same convictions you have stated. I get mocking and scornful looks many times when I go out. I try to keep the mind that this is my offering to the LORD and seek Him to use the opportunity to reflect His heart to all I encounter...
  7. MessengerofTruth

    Free from the law??

    We are free from the Law of Sin (no longer a debtor to our flesh) and Death (the penalty of our sins past). We are not Under the Law as though it is bearing down on us to do it or die but, under Grace (a relationship, initiated by the Father, secured by the Son in the finished work at the...
  8. MessengerofTruth

    Observing the sabbath???

    The Law came because of transgression.
  9. MessengerofTruth

    Observing the sabbath???

    I would also share that the 10 commandments are the only commands that YHVH wrote with His own finger in the stone and then was placed in the Ark of the Covenant. Nations have thrived that have sought to uphold those commands that are written there. Just somethings I have observed as I...
  10. MessengerofTruth

    Observing the sabbath???

    We are promised that when we repent and truly believe, that YHVH writes His Laws in our heart and we will receive a helper (the Holy Spirit) that will lead us into all Truth. I have experienced consternation and perplexity over the state I myself in at times but, as I seek the Father with all...
  11. MessengerofTruth

    Free from the law??

    May I ask why IloveYeshua has been banned?
  12. MessengerofTruth

    Observing the sabbath???

    If Christ came to fulfill the Law to free us from keeping it, then why does He say that whoever Does and teaches the commands will be called Great in the kingdom? Matt 5:19 Also, the law came because of transgression. Gal 3:19 Transgression of what? Before the Law was given by YHWH there had...
  13. MessengerofTruth

    The Royal Law Confuse with the Animal Sacrificial Law.

    Matt. 5; 14-19. And I am sure that if you love the Truth the Father will give you understanding in all things.
  14. MessengerofTruth

    UFO’s spiritual? Skinwalker Ranch

    As opposed to the Few that will find the Truth and also be Saved.
  15. MessengerofTruth

    UFO’s spiritual? Skinwalker Ranch

    I only know what the scripture says on the subject. it warns often that Many will be deceived.
  16. MessengerofTruth

    Has Revelation 12:12 been fulfilled?

    I tend to believe that Yes, he is here and that explains a lot of the warfare believers that are holding fast are experiencing. If it would be obvious to the world then they would not be buying and selling, eating and drinking, marrying and given in marriage. The wise shall understand, the...
  17. MessengerofTruth

    Nimrod Tomb Found: Cloning of Nimrod and Osiris underway

    Not sure if you have ever heard of a man named Rob Skiba. He has conferences on that very thing and teaches that the anti-christ Is the reincarnated Nimrod through genetic cloning. It's interesting, worth the time to me, to get a deeper understanding of some possible fulfilments of prophecies...
  18. MessengerofTruth

    UFO’s spiritual? Skinwalker Ranch

    I believe that it has to do with turning people away from the worship of our Creator to questioning the validity of " such an archaic religion". With the arrival of " evidence" that we are not alone...
  19. MessengerofTruth

    UFO’s spiritual? Skinwalker Ranch

    Remember that we have been warned of a coming great deception. Fallen angels are finishing what they began before the flood. What the world calls aliens are in reality human/fallen angel hybrids, most likely. Jesus said that these days would be like the days of Noah. There were giants then...
  20. MessengerofTruth

    What about Gen. 6

    That is interesting. I've never put all that together before... I bring this up because I believe the Father is showing me that what we are seeing in the earth at this time is a repeat of what happened in the beginning. I believe that the fallen angels are here and this is where all of this...