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  1. love_comes_softly

    Great Expectations

    Someone I work with literally won't date anyone that doesn't live by the beach or that won't cook for her. It's kinda sad because she was told that she'd meet someone that filled those expectations, so she won't consider anyone if he doesn't meet those expectations. I'm always amazed at how...
  2. love_comes_softly

    Must See

    We go to Manhattan every time we visit New York. I love how we can literally see/do completely different things every time we visit. I'm thinking I need to start venturing out of Manhattan. We were thinking Brooklyn next?? :unsure: We shall see. :)
  3. love_comes_softly

    Must See

    I absolutely loved Hawaii!! I went in February and boy was it hard returning home. I loved everything about it. There is nothing like the water surrounding Oahu. :love:
  4. love_comes_softly

    Who is your confidant?

    The most important one to have. :)
  5. love_comes_softly

    Who is your confidant?

    I love what you wrote about the two sides of being open or closed up. What a great way to put it: "sharing or not doesn't change the truth only its power over you". This will be one of those things I ponder. I share with my mum or my sisters usually. We know each other very well and they are...
  6. love_comes_softly

    Who is your confidant?

    Who is your confidant? Do you have one? Is it a friend, a member of the church, a parent, sibling, spouse, boyfriend/girlfriend? What makes them this go-to person? Has the person changed over time? For you: Is it important or needed in your life to have this type of person? Thanks for...
  7. love_comes_softly

    Tell me something interesting ....

    Goodness! I believe it. I just think of green grass and flowers when I think of May. Our snow finally just melted, what I thought was for the year. I suppose I shouldn’t complain as 1-3 inches (probably in the mountains) is nothing compared to a blizzard. 🙂
  8. love_comes_softly


    Praying that you will both be healed of this pain that is taking place in your life right now. I pray that each day your neck will feel stronger and that anything that’s happening as a result of this neck pain, will also be healed. God bless!
  9. love_comes_softly

    Tell me something interesting ....

    We have snow in the forecast for this week. :eek:o_O
  10. love_comes_softly

    Must See

    So beautiful!! This is definitely going on the list. 🙂
  11. love_comes_softly

    If You've Ever Sought Help for a Problem, Was it Really of Very Much Help?

    The OP really asks some interesting questions. I’m definitely someone who tends to direct others seeking help to other sources and I think it’s because apart from praying for someone, I don’t feel adequate to help serious issues. I’m certainly a natural listener, BUT I myself, would have an...
  12. love_comes_softly

    Movies You'll Watch Over and Over

    My great grandmother had that movie on every time we’d visit. My sisters and I used to cringe when we’d walk in and see it. I could never watch a movie that many times. Zeroturbulence- your picture really makes me crave a donut! 😂
  13. love_comes_softly

    Must See

    How wonderful that you have been able to travel so much!! I find that I learn a lot and meet so many incredible people when traveling. I’d love to get to Kansas some day. 🙂 As a Native New Yorker, what’s the best part of your state, in your opinion?
  14. love_comes_softly

    Must See

    I can understand not wanting to return to Maine. Sounds like a heart wrenching time in your life. I will return to Florida someday, as I have family there. Perhaps my next visit will be more enjoyable. The springs that someone mentioned earlier sound fun. 🙂 Thank you for sharing! 🙂
  15. love_comes_softly

    Must See

    That would be so much fun!!
  16. love_comes_softly

    Must See

    That sounds awesome! What a blessing to have traveled to 32 states. I love how different the states are. I will always love home (Maine) for the same reasons that you love Tennessee, the beauty and change of seasons, though winter here was very long this year. I really enjoyed my time in...
  17. love_comes_softly

    Must See

    Looks like a fun place 🙂
  18. love_comes_softly

    Pray for healing and well being of mother.

    A relationship between a child and their mother is unlike any other. I pray that your mom will be completely healed of whatever is going on in her body. I pray for guidance and direction in her life and I pray for peace as you all go through it.
  19. love_comes_softly

    I’m in need of prayer

    Praying that you feel the presence of the Lord in your life and the situations you may be going through.
  20. love_comes_softly

    Movies You'll Watch Over and Over

    Forgot one, Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights. I have seen this one so many times. :)