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  1. Lifted_by_the_word

    First Bible Intrigues

    The scriptures in the OT that are a precursor of the 144,000 that people often overlook when studying that subject.
  2. Lifted_by_the_word

    The Way of the Sword in the Old Testament; Has it Ended?

    The sword is the same sword in Revelation 1:9-16.Double edged being symbolic of the OT/NT.Or the word of God.Honestly never really understood this verse for some time.But it makes sense we are always in a spiritual battle and we need the full armor of God.
  3. Lifted_by_the_word

    Can a murderer enter into heaven ?

    It's pretty common and not associated with a mental illness.More to do with the worldly mind.
  4. Lifted_by_the_word

    Can a murderer enter into heaven ?

    I wonder how many people missed the narrow path because of being deceived thinking their forgiveness came from the heart but in fact was only rooted in the mind.
  5. Lifted_by_the_word

    153 fish

    I use to know a connection to the 153 fish but I forgot it.I'll have to think about it.It relates to the Remnant.
  6. Lifted_by_the_word


    I'll probably never will write down a dream or keep a journal if given a revelation from the Lord.
  7. Lifted_by_the_word

    Is Smoking Tobacco a Sin?

    Kind of surprised of the poll results.
  8. Lifted_by_the_word

    What are you listening to?

    I can't stop playing this song for the past week.
  9. Lifted_by_the_word

    What question would you have asked Jesus?

    I think most people would want to know the answer to life.Another one for me would about ancient mysteries.Landmarks or just weird objects found.
  10. Lifted_by_the_word

    What is your understanding of the consequences of Adam's sin?

    It is infected with sin from birth.sin is satanic.
  11. Lifted_by_the_word

    What is your understanding of the consequences of Adam's sin?

    I choose all humans inherit a sinful nature.To me it means the body is satanic and needs to be overcome by the battle of the mind.
  12. Lifted_by_the_word

    what is love?

    Love makes the world go around.That makes it the answer to life.Love transends everything.That's true love.The love God wants us to have within us.
  13. Lifted_by_the_word

    is bible the word of God

    'Not by might,nor by power,but by my spirit',saith the Lord of hosts.
  14. Lifted_by_the_word


    If you attend a new church frequently,the wolves will investigate who you are.If you appeal to them from maybe a position of power,or where they feel they can benefit.They will reveal themselves to you.There might be a room or hallway just before the service room.A deacon or pastor,somebody...
  15. Lifted_by_the_word

    Raising of hands in the church

    Nobody mentioned the feeling in your hands while raising them in song worship?Thought that's what others felt while seeing them doing it.It's like your hands are heating up,along with a tingling sensation.Like being on fire for the Lord.
  16. Lifted_by_the_word

    Who is a Prophet Under God?

    The 144,000 are end time prophets who give testimony of The Two Witnesses.I'm sure God reveals a revelation of scripture to people today.They can probably be considered prophets as well.Nobody has ever known full scripture.It's the song of the 144,000.
  17. Lifted_by_the_word


    Even your name can be a sin.
  18. Lifted_by_the_word

    What are your thoughts on Near Death Experiences?

    I've seen heaven and hell.In heaven,everything was bright.Gods creations were admired.Like everything had a story.I only know this because I was told to look at a flower along a pathway,that these two people who were holding hands stopped to admire.When I walked up to look at it,these images...
  19. Lifted_by_the_word

    Woman asks The Lord "Will Church Go To Tribulation or not" God's Answer is Clear - A MUST HEAR!

    You mean you missed the part where God says a electromagnetic pulse device will knock out all our electronics?
  20. Lifted_by_the_word

    Woman asks The Lord "Will Church Go To Tribulation or not" God's Answer is Clear - A MUST HEAR!

    Everything God had shown me was backed up by scripture.Which I didn't believe as truth because I wasn't a Christian at the time.It was only after submitting and reading the Bible did I realize everything he spoken or showed was truth.True prophecy is backed up by the Two Witnesses. And yes,he...