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  1. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    The Epistle's began circulation among the Churches as early as 50AD, before any man made creeds came along. The Epistles were read publicly for those who could not read and as time passed these Scriptures increased. The 1st century Church did not need a creed because they had God breathed...
  2. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Hi Lovingothers, and welcome to You are correct we are saved by grace not by works lest anyone should boast. If you are a member of a rock solid bible teaching Church I do not think you will find many people are sitting around doing nothing like the fictitious guy in your...
  3. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Hi Decon, I may be repeating myself but the fact remains that Jesus taught us, "do not swear an oath at all" Let your "yes be yes" and your "no be no" Sermon on the Mount: Oaths Matthew5:33-37 33) “Again, you have heard that it was said to the people long ago, ‘Do not break your oath, but...
  4. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Hi Jewel, everybody here is oso happy you aren't one of them wolf n' sheeps clothing, what a relief that is for sure, :cry::):(:cry: God bless!
  5. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Hi Dan, retirement is amazing some say its like Saturday everyday. My wife and I sold our business in 2018 and never looked back, 37yrs of hard labor. We built 2 small homes for my wife's family and 1 small home for her and I in Thailand. I'm still recovering from my cancer due to agent orange...
  6. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    If God wanted us to know what you are implying about the thief we would know the truth as it would be written in the the bible. It seems you are trying to make a case about something with no proof of your observations. I think your interpretation is a stretch of the imagination and I have heard...
  7. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    To this forum, Seohce, goes back to the land of "Ignore", where all is peaceful and quiet.
  8. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Hi BaptistBibleBeliever, I don't believe we have had a conversation before so I just wanted to say hello and say thank you for this beautiful song titled "God Leads Us Along" By" Pastor George A Young. The lyrics are wonderful and O so true. "Some through the fire, but all through the blood;"...
  9. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Hi VCO, good questions. Most will know my answers but I will state them any way. Questions: #1, Do you Believe that Works are Part of Salvation - "No" I do not believe works are a part of Salvation. The bible tells me I was dead in my trespasses and sins, a dead man has no ability to do...
  10. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Nice try at twisting the truth Studyman,,,..:)
  11. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    When you are loosing the debate and have nothing left to say, "attack your opponent"
  12. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Hi Posthuman and thank you for adding antihistamine to help resolve allergic reactions. An epipen will help save your life if an allergic reaction should progress to anaphylactic shock. Good advice thank you.
  13. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    I do I will and welcome back :) everybody misses you a lot. God bless!
  14. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    May God bless your trip to Australia, I'm praying Jesus will take you there safe and bring you home safe. Happy Landings migo....:)
  15. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Agreed, "Faithful are the wounds of a friend." John7:24 24 Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment.”
  16. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Hi decon, your correction is welcome but to be sure I understand what you mean if by using the term second coming I was referring to, Christ appearing following the Great Tribulation when survivors on earth will see our Savior coming in the clouds; Matthew24:30 30) "and then the sign of the Son...
  17. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Living the dream, protecting our National Forest's and looking for the 2nd coming of our Savior Jesus Christ all at the same time, God bless! The Dawt Mill, Mark Twain National Forest
  18. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    I have seohce on ignore for personal reasons, too many lies..
  19. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Hi Jewel I agree with E-grateful, enjoy your time off work. I'm from So. Calif. High Desert near Edwards Air Force Base where they use to land the Space Shuttle. God bless!
  20. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Law Keepers, you have "fallen from grace", did you miss that Sunday School Class that told us that we are, "Save by grace through faith, it is a gift of God, "Not by Works", lest anyone should boast." (Eph2:14). Your theological bucket has a large hole in it and can hold no water. If the...