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  1. Desdichado

    Endangered Christians in Middle East May Not Get Enough Help From Biden

    Thus leaving everybody more susceptible to Russian propaganda. Putin loves to position himself as Christianity's contender, but he's just a more powerful version of Mark Foley with borscht. Or so my Ukrainian friends tell me.
  2. Desdichado

    Funny guy gets the woman?

    Humor does a few things for people. 1. Humor can make almost any bad situation more bearable. It indicates who may be more tolerable for the long haul, hahaha. 2. Humor brings out someone's essence in a way. The Mask is a loose allegory for how humor works it can take you and make a "super...
  3. Desdichado

    Love Advice with Dr. Des

    Stealing hearts and minds.
  4. Desdichado

    Leftist Thinking Is The Most Destructive Element In Existence

    Can't have your pudding if you don't eat your meat.
  5. Desdichado

    Antifa Activist who posed as Trump Supporter Arrested

    There is a fun bit of irony though that more Republicans would go out of their way to dump on the RNC than Democrats.
  6. Desdichado

    Antifa Activist who posed as Trump Supporter Arrested

    Haha. I know. I'm being playful as is my wont.
  7. Desdichado

    Antifa Activist who posed as Trump Supporter Arrested

    Don't give grassroots Republicans crude ideas! I have no temptation to try this! Get the behind me Satan!
  8. Desdichado

    Coronavirus is nothing to fear.

    I like doing things the hard way. Ask every cop who has had the audacity to pull me over.
  9. Desdichado

    Unpopular Opinions

    While I know respectable men who enjoy HP, it's more of a girl thing.
  10. Desdichado

    Leftist Thinking Is The Most Destructive Element In Existence

    It may be worthwhile to return to meat-and-potatoes basics here. Leftism is a broad political orientation, not a political party or even a political philosophy as such. Left-Right demarcates whether you are for or against capital-R Revolution. The OP may be no Carl Trueman, but the first post...
  11. Desdichado

    Unpopular Opinions

    Elon's accent is weird. I know a lot of South Africans. He doesn't sound like any of them.
  12. Desdichado

    Unpopular Opinions

    "I want to go to Mars, power cool looking cars with duracels, and plant a chip in everybody's brain!" "I'm drunk. Will 200 Bill make you go away?"
  13. Desdichado

    Unpopular Opinions

    He's basically a mad scientist CEO the gubmint throws money at.
  14. Desdichado

    Unpopular Opinions

    I had a friend who thought that because he liked the New Game+ feature.
  15. Desdichado

    Love Advice with Dr. Des

    The previous five posts are officially Dr. Des' Guide to Picking up Errant Nuns
  16. Desdichado

    Love Advice with Dr. Des

    Hire a barbecue caterer to show up every Friday during Lent.
  17. Desdichado

    Love Advice with Dr. Des

    Wack people with thuribles.
  18. Desdichado

    Love Advice with Dr. Des

    Cut the apocrypha out of all the Bibles in the library.
  19. Desdichado

    Love Advice with Dr. Des

    Paint a mustache on the blessed virgin in the dead of night.
  20. Desdichado

    Did God Just Get Kicked Out of Government?

    Great grandma. Her daughter, my grandmother, is sadly an unbeliever.