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  1. B

    Should Christians hate Communism?

    It’s such a lame topic. I guess I should start one that says “Should I drink Lite Beer or regular?” Maybe it will be a little more clear cut. 😏
  2. B

    What are his commandments?

    Deut 28:1-14.
  3. B

    Who are the covenant people

    God’s covenant people are one’s He deals harshly with. The way you can tell if you’re a covenant person is that you will have trouble and trials all your life. In fact, God will require you to go beyond yourself and if you fail, He will prepare destruction for you and your family. Deut 28:15-68
  4. B

    CJ Lovik with another prophecy backing up his 2030 return of Jesus

    How stupid are people to think they can actually predict when Jesus is coming back? His stupid ate the people who listen to them? Serious question. I guess I’m looking at what severity of stupidity they are at?
  5. B

    How do you get saved?

    So, no “death bed” conversions. And the guy on the cross with Jesus actually went to Hell. Jesus lied I guess.
  6. B

    everything is predestined?

    I guess someobe wanted to reply to this 3 year old thread? There’s not enough pre-des threads, we had to revive one? 😳
  7. B

    God the Destroyer

    In Joel 2:1-14, God is preparing to utterly destroy Zion and all its inhabitants, similar to His plans for Nineveh. God also destroyed many who came out from Egypt, as well as countless other Christians and chosen Israelites. In fact, God will destroy multitudes and only save a remnant most...
  8. B

    How do you get saved?

    Who cares? When you’re on you death bed and all of the sudden you want to get baptized and can’t, then I guess you’ll end up in Hell.
  9. B

    Should Christians hate Communism?

    Why are y’all replying to a 6 year old thread?
  10. B

    ~Prayer Message Today~

    Thanks Bingo 👍
  11. B

    Forgive 70x7 Matt 18:21-22

    Oh you’re right - Peter’s brother :) You guys are quick, man
  12. B

    Forgive 70x7 Matt 18:21-22

    Oh you’re right. I meant 490 times. I’m sure I’ll get some “Letter of the Law” crusader who’ll say, “Well technically, Yes. 490 was all Jesus required.” Lol.
  13. B

    Religious Tithing

    Well, the church was wrong. You heard God right about that church, and any church that requires a tithe. That’s just insane. In fact it’s a mirror of the Pharisees. But tithing itself is not wrong. Sounds like you were in a pretty toxic church.
  14. B

    Pastoral requirements

    100% disagree
  15. B

    How do you get saved?

    Water baptism is a symbol for what you did. That way if the devil comes back and tries to make you doubt)and he will for a little while) then you can say to him “No. I remember because I was baptized.” He’ll stop making you doubt after awhile.
  16. B

    Religious Tithing

    Required by whom? Were you in a church that “required” tithing? We both know that’s not right. Did God reveal the truth to you by your observance of the church you were in, or did He give you a specific scripture?
  17. B

    Religious Tithing

    Have you sought God on tithing, before crusading against it in front of your followers? Why are you so against it.
  18. B

    How do you get saved?

    Look gang, Again my original post was not a formula or cookie cutter prayer. It’s just an EXAMPLE of a prayer you could pray. There are no threads on salvation, and a whole lot of confusion about it, so I put one out there.
  19. B

    Pastoral requirements

    Brian, are you on a pastor search committee or is you church reviewing candidates?
  20. B

    Religious Tithing

    I was wrong on Abraham instead of Moses. Jesus Himself said in Matt 5:17 “Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill.” Benefits of tithing Malachi 3:10 “Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house...