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  1. Anthony55

    Understanding the Trinity as a doctrine.

    same place we came from Lol
  2. Anthony55

    Speak Your Mind.

    The two men in the old video are the same men in the new video. Except one is a little more balder. LOL I like them both as they still have the sane enthusiasm. Gods Blessings
  3. Anthony55

    Doctrine of Unconditional Election

    Obviously I copied Romans twice. Please read on about the Tares Thank you Gods Blessings
  4. Anthony55

    Doctrine of Unconditional Election

    9 I tell the truth in Christ, I am not lying, my conscience also bearing me witness in the Holy Spirit, 2 that I have great sorrow and continual grief in my heart. 3 For I could wish that I myself were accursed from Christ for my brethren, my [a]countrymen according to the flesh, 4 who are...
  5. Anthony55

    Trigger for the Tribulation

    You buy sell and trade with this
  6. Anthony55

    Factbox: Countries Making Covid 19 Vaccines Mandatory

    Watch you tube video on the microchip that the Swedish people are using. all your information goes in this chip. You dont need money etc. It goes between the thumb and forefinger. After getting the chip all you have to is scan it to Buy, Sell, and Trade. Came out 2019.
  7. Anthony55

    Understanding the Trinity as a doctrine.

    God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, 2Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds; 3Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of...
  8. Anthony55

    Understanding the Trinity as a doctrine.

    Gen: 1:1 In the beginning God [elohim plural].. Gen. 1:26 And God [elohim plural] said let Us make man. Strong's Concordance.
  9. Anthony55

    Factbox: Countries Making Covid 19 Vaccines Mandatory

    Fact: Even a flu shot isn't 100% effective. Covid vaccine is 94%. Yes people still contract the virus even when vaccinated but less likely to die.Is the mRNA vaccine considered a vaccine? Yes. mRNA vaccines, such as Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna, work differently than other types of vaccines, but...
  10. Anthony55

    Bible "versions"?

    I know the Scribes had a tedious job. They could be on the last word and if they made a mistake they would have to start the book from the beginning.
  11. Anthony55

    What Makes a Woman "A Lady"?

    What are the qualities of a lady? The traits of a lady include: A lady is generous with her time, wisdom, and resources. She is a woman of her word and follows through with her commitments, whatever the cost. She willingly serves others and extends a hand to those in need. I cheated and googled...
  12. Anthony55

    Speak Your Mind.

    Nice solo. Gods blessed you .
  13. Anthony55


    I was sick Feb. 20th 2020 to April 7th 2020. I thought I had the flu. I had chills, lost of taste, body aches, cough, etc. My Doctor gave me Mucinex and Flonase. Five days later I was coming back from Bank and started coughing up yellow and brown by the mouthful. I know gross. I went Back to the...
  14. Anthony55

    Factbox: Countries Making Covid 19 Vaccines Mandatory

    Sorry I don't know how to attach files. Go to You Tube. Id, Wallet, Keys All in your hand. This isn't fake news this is real. As always God's Blessings to you.
  15. Anthony55

    Bible "versions"?

    Thank you for your clarification. Much appreciated. Ask and you shall receive. :)
  16. Anthony55

    Bible "versions"?

    Correct me if I am wrong. KJV is what is called word for word. NIV is what is called thought for thought. Meaning that the KJV was translated word for word from the original text. As the NIV translation changed scripture to what the translators thought the definitions should be from past...
  17. Anthony55

    The Second Coming of Christ and the First Resurrection.

    Thanks for the clarification. Much appreciated.
  18. Anthony55

    The Second Coming of Christ and the First Resurrection.

    You don't see the writings of those in error in the Bible but only mentioned that they errored. So your saying Paul writings aren't from God yet there they are in the Bible as scripture. So do we throw away all of Paul's writings or just his letter to Timothy? Heb. 3:16 "ALL SCRIPTURE is given...
  19. Anthony55

    The Second Coming of Christ and the First Resurrection.

    I dont understand that Jesus wont be coming back but another Messiah. Please let me know where it speaks of another Messiah. Thank you Matt 24:25,26,27. "Behold, I have told you before. 26. Wherefore if they shall say unto you, behold He is in the desert; do not go forth: behold, He is in the...