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  1. Aerials1978

    Is it a sin to drink alcohol

    That was not grape juice or diluted wine. I have heard this before and scholars have debunked it. Wine was very essential in Temple worship and even at the Lords supper.
  2. Aerials1978

    Is it a sin to drink alcohol

    The wedding in Cana?
  3. Aerials1978

    If a Sabbath is forced, Will you keep Sunday holy?

    What happens if you already broken the commandments as we all have?
  4. Aerials1978

    If a Sabbath is forced, Will you keep Sunday holy?

    Please excuse my misspelled word. Auto-correct works against me at times.
  5. Aerials1978

    If a Sabbath is forced, Will you keep Sunday holy?

    Dr. Frank Turek has some interesting videos on YouTube with regards to the commandant of keeping the Sabbath holy. If you get a chance, check them out. He also has other material that is really good if you’re into Christian apologetics.
  6. Aerials1978

    None is righteous, no, not one

    None is righteous, no, not one; no one understands no one seeks for God. All have turned aside; together they have become worthless no one does good, not even one.” I have people keep telling me “You’re a good man, you’re a good father, a good friend, a good worker” I have an uneasiness when I...
  7. Aerials1978

    Israel or the Church ( The body ) ?

    While some verses were specifically for certain groups of people, the verses themselves show Gods overall nature for the redemption of His created beings. If this were not that case, particular scripture wouldn’t be codified in His universal word to mankind.
  8. Aerials1978

    How would you date someone new in the midst of this pandemic?

    I have had a lady friend for about five months now. COVID was not really a concern nor has it been since. I know I will catch flank for this by some, but I refuse to live in fear.
  9. Aerials1978

    Eternal Hell, Annihilationism, or Universalism?

    There is many verses that speak of enteral torment. I wouldn’t want to find out either one way or the other.
  10. Aerials1978

    A Nation under Judgement.

    Yes, eventually Nineveh was destroyed. Although for at least a period they did repent. Jesus said: The men of Nineveh will stand up at the judgment with this generation and condemn it; for they repented at the preaching of Jonah, and now something greater than Jonah is here.
  11. Aerials1978

    A Nation under Judgement.

    There is true to that, however the final judgments have yet to come. The Lord will still judge a nation for its evils. History and scripture shows this to be the case. Why are we exempt.
  12. Aerials1978

    For the People Who Champion Lifetime Singleness - What's Your Advice for Dealing with Single Sexuality?

    Ah, no. That’s not what I’m saying. Everyone will have a some impure thoughts(Yes even believers). Now, does that impure thought linger and grow or does it flicker for a moment and than goes away. What carries more weight? That act itself of course.
  13. Aerials1978

    For the People Who Champion Lifetime Singleness - What's Your Advice for Dealing with Single Sexuality?

    The desire and yearning will always be there. Cannot do much about that. It’s the acts that bring about the sin. It’s a battle the will always rage on, but we have to learn to control our bodies.
  14. Aerials1978

    For the People Who Champion Lifetime Singleness - What's Your Advice for Dealing with Single Sexuality?

    Sexuality is one the strongest and most devastating aspect of being a human. Sex as God designed it a wonderful and pleasurable thing. However, when used outside of the confines of a marriage, it’s fornication which angers God. If you want to have sex, find a wife/husband. If you wish to live...
  15. Aerials1978

    A Nation under Judgement.

    Ungodliness, hatred, blasphemy, sexual immortality, murder, corruption, pestilence.....Is America under God’s judgment? As a person of faith, I cannot deny that the answer is yes. With all the chaos that seems to consuming and growing throughout the country, I am reminded of how God finally had...
  16. Aerials1978

    Covid 19 and dating

    She has turned a corner. Thank for your prayers. I have read that a lot people are testing positive again. We are certainly playing it safe though.
  17. Aerials1978

    Churchgoers Congregate During Coronavirus Pandemic - Video

    I think it’s just a long shirt.
  18. Aerials1978

    Churchgoers Congregate During Coronavirus Pandemic - Video

    Christians disagree, but what sets us part is the love we show for one another. A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another. John 13:34-35
  19. Aerials1978


    While I do agree that this is a monster, I really believe it has been over hyped. Now we are starting to see true measures being taken to subvert a population in the name of public safety. Everything is ordained by the hands of our Father, this included. My hope is people will turn from their...