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  1. Aerials1978

    Is it in the BIBLE... or just another Church Dogma?

    Somehow I have a feeling this is leading back to the new apostolic movement.
  2. Aerials1978


    The Bible is God’s provision to a wayward and rebellious creation reconciled to Himself. It’s really about Jesus and how sinners are justified, sanctified, and atoned. It also tells of Gods punishment for the unrighteous with enteral damnation.
  3. Aerials1978

    Will the world come to an end?

    God will be with His people on the new Earth.
  4. Aerials1978

    Will the world come to an end?

    The Earth and universe will be made new.
  5. Aerials1978

    Jews In The Holocaust

    There is no simple answer. Why has God allowed millions of unborn babies to die in a horrific way? I believe He hasn’t. There is a ordained plan that was put into place long before the foundation of the world was established. God’s wrath is coming, and no one can endure it who does not belong...
  6. Aerials1978


    This was the Christmas service. I did listen and to be quite Frank, it’s was truly disappointing to say the least, but this how Western Christianity is now viewed by many.
  7. Aerials1978


    I agree. An example of this would be a typical service from Church by the Glades in Florida. While I do believe some can come to faith via these, venues(I cannot in really say they are churches) most who attend are probably on their way to eternal damnation.
  8. Aerials1978

    Does the Bible describe our life as being a computer simulation.

    Interesting OP. The more that is discovered about Astro and Quantum physics, the more the determination is given that everything is much, much more orderly. There is no randomness. Almost like, an intelligent being designed it.
  9. Aerials1978

    Does Christ look at our beliefs or our actions?

    Sooner or later an OP will come out about the law. We have all transgressed God’s moral law. If Jesus was not offered as a propitiation before the Father, this entire discussion would be moot and we would all be on the fast track to hell. When a person grows in sanctification, there is the...
  10. Aerials1978

    Believing in God

    I hope all people would say yes. Even the demons believe in God….and they shutter.
  11. Aerials1978

    Why The Star?

    Some scholars believe(And secular astronomy) claim it was a natural phenomenon such as a comet, supernova, etc. I tend to think that it was more of a supernatural celestial occurrence.
  12. Aerials1978

    Are you certain of going to heaven when you die ?

    One is justified by faith. Scripture surly states that. This is why I am not always in favor of using a few verses when trying to define something as to what being saved means. One needs to lean the difference between theology(God’s character) and religion(People behavior). The latter will lead...
  13. Aerials1978

    What is Christianity? Define it!

    There is a lot that entails as to what Christianity is, but essentially it’s the grace and mercy God has give us to avoid the Fathers wrath and to Christ’s judgment. It’s a peace offing to a rebellious creation. Gods offering as a way to steer away from eternal condemnation.
  14. Aerials1978

    Here Comes Santa Claus, ready or not

    Whether everything is eliminated is purely ones own decision for themselves. If you find having a Christmas to be offensive as some do, don’t put one up. Gift giving, if you feel that it indulges materialism, don’t give or accept gifts. Yes, let the focus be on the birth of the Savior and keep...
  15. Aerials1978

    Here Comes Santa Claus, ready or not

    That’s not what I am alluding to. Should children know that the concept of Santa is fake? Of course. The issue I see is taking apart every aspect of Christmas that some Christians my disagree with. And it’s more of an annoyance when they come from a holier than thou perspective with regards to...
  16. Aerials1978

    Here Comes Santa Claus, ready or not

    Obviously neither do you. Got to love the self-righteous purveyors of truth. Keep us safe from those dangerous Christmas songs that lead us astray. 😊
  17. Aerials1978

    Here Comes Santa Claus, ready or not

    No need to get sarcastic. I just don’t get the notion of turning something that is really a non issue and pretty much harmless into a form of iconolatry.
  18. Aerials1978

    Here Comes Santa Claus, ready or not

    Please don’t tell what I get and what I don’t. The song Gene Autry wrote is from a child’s perspective of Christmas. I have read the lyrics and in no way shape of form is it alluding to a notion of Santa worship. This sounds purely like legalism.
  19. Aerials1978

    Here Comes Santa Claus, ready or not

    Yes, Christmas is a secular holiday as well unfortunately. That does not mean that Christians should abstain from Christmas songs or shun them.