Search results

  1. Didymous

    Last person to post wins!!!

    Your hair looks incredible! :cool:
  2. Didymous

    Last person to post wins!!!

  3. Didymous

    How Bored Are You??

    I haven't been bored too much yet. Sleep, eat, watch t. v., repeat.
  4. Didymous

    I Noticed...

    Yes, you are still here, my friend. :cool:
  5. Didymous

    Nervous and excited, and sad.

    I hope things will work out well for you, God willing.
  6. Didymous

    Child poverty

    Some people cry about their "hard earned" money, as if they were taking it with them when they die.
  7. Didymous

    I Noticed...

    ...that many of the folks I used to visit with on here aren't around. I hope you all are doing well.
  8. Didymous

    Last person to post wins!!!

    OK, ladies first. :cool:
  9. Didymous

    His Word is so Amazing!!!

    Psalm 118:24
  10. Didymous

    How Bored Are You??

    One also needs to do the wrists like the thumbs. :cool:
  11. Didymous

    Nothing but questions.

    Imaginary number.
  12. Didymous

    Tell us something interesting (random facts thread)

    There are 18 doctors in America called Dr. Doctor, and one called Dr. Surgeon. There is also a skin specialist called Dr, Rash, a psychiatrist called Dr. Couch, and an anesthesiologist called Dr. Gass. I know a dentist called Dr. Toothacher. :cool:
  13. Didymous

    Last person to post wins!!!

    How many times do I have to win this!?!? :cool:
  14. Didymous

    Problematic trends in dating

    I like a big woman.
  15. Didymous

    Problematic trends in dating

    I feel you.
  16. Didymous

    Random game.

  17. Didymous

    Nothing but questions.

    What's the square root of negative one?
  18. Didymous

    Pope: Confess sins directly to God if no priests available during virus pandemic

    Who is the pope? Is he somebody special? Or is he just a man?
  19. Didymous

    Ask the user below you a question

    I woke up. Same question. :cool:
  20. Didymous

    Yearning for CC

    Yes! :cool: