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  1. Zandar

    ~Chuckle for the Day~

    Theyll probably be tattoo ink stains on their bones.
  2. Zandar

    ~Chuckle for the Day~

  3. Zandar

    Strictly Miscellaneous

  4. Zandar

    Tips for Body Detoxification

    we used to have one like this at home
  5. Zandar

    Tips for Body Detoxification

    Ive changed hundreds of these in an industrial plant. They hook to your drinking fountains.
  6. Zandar

    Tips for Body Detoxification

    Activated charcoal is made by heating charcoal in the presence of a gas. This process causes the charcoal to develop lots of internal spaces or pores. These pores help activated charcoal trap chemicals. Activated charcoal is commonly used to treat poisoning.
  7. Zandar

    Tips for Body Detoxification

    I would think sweating would clean out the body. I have a charcoal filter but Ive been spoiled because I used to keep the filters changed at work and had charcoal filtered water for free but now that I dont work there I have to buy my own. At any rate, charcoal filtered water plus sweating is...
  8. Zandar

    ~Chuckle for the Day~

  9. Zandar

    ~Chuckle for the Day~

  10. Zandar

    Strictly Miscellaneous

  11. Zandar

    ~Chuckle for the Day~

    yeah it does sound like them
  12. Zandar

    Chem Trails, Atmospheric Metalic Aerosols Weather Modification

    something has changed to cause autism too. when i was a kid we didnt even know what it was.
  13. Zandar

    Chem Trails, Atmospheric Metalic Aerosols Weather Modification

    Could be. I remember those days. It would be like rain hitting the wind shield. We had a bigillion frogs too. bullfrogs that you heard so loud every night. Gone.
  14. Zandar

    Early Gardening Tips

    My apples are blooming like crazy. They look like they've have been pollinated already but I used some lower flowers to make sure by taking the blooms and pollinating the trees.
  15. Zandar

    Chem Trails, Atmospheric Metalic Aerosols Weather Modification

    What we're being sprayed with is anyone's guess.
  16. Zandar

    The Windows Users Thread im not a mac user but this is still funny
  17. Zandar

    Scripture Based Flat Earth Proposition

    its a spherical cap above the breathable atmosphere. maybe
  18. Zandar

    Scripture Based Flat Earth Proposition

    the firmament may be made of something like plasma and it starts at 100k feet and goes up. above that would be water. its rumored that countries have fired off nukes against it and it doesnt phase it. the sun and moon are made of this plasma and move inside the firmament. the stars are...
  19. Zandar

    ~Chuckle for the Day~

  20. Zandar

    The Windows Users Thread

    Good for them. I don't like being spied on either.