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  1. Encouragement

    Should men be able to express themselves in a relationship?

    We that's just the thing..Some guy can communicate on certain levels and struggle on others. I know of a man that couldn't express anything other than prodominantley abusive language and emotional hatred and evil. Yet can communicate on superficial with others....but as a husband and...
  2. Encouragement

    Should men be able to express themselves in a relationship?

    Hi seoulsearch nice of you to pop by and check out this thread.Yes guys can Express lots of passion for things they feel strongly about soccer,favourite band,wrestler and certain movies for sure.. I have seen guys openly weep when there favourite sports team either wins or loses an important...
  3. Encouragement

    Should men be able to express themselves in a relationship?

    Of course there are individuals who are in relationships who have difficulties in expressing certain kinda of thoughts and feelings
  4. Encouragement

    Should men be able to express themselves in a relationship?

    what exactly do you mean?🤷‍♀️
  5. Encouragement

    Pets - How should we treat them?

  6. Encouragement

    Pets - How should we treat them?

    yes if course.. Oh I was referring to someone who would be I'm a relationship and dump the partner and feel they are more happier keeping the pet.🤷‍♀️
  7. Encouragement

    Should men be able to express themselves in a relationship?

    Sound like you're describing me..👍🏻👍🏻😏😏😏 my goodness what happened then...Coz by the sounds of it you could of fallen for such great guy.?..Sorry just has to ask.
  8. Encouragement

    Pets - How should we treat them?

    Ok I see what you mean. Its kind natural to communicate with one per orally as they obey spoken that's something most per owners do..and we do naturally built an emotional relationship with a pet to.My cat would always hide when non family members came to my home coz he didnt know...
  9. Encouragement

    Pets - How should we treat them?

    Ah I see... i dunno how you make the payment coz it in dollars..?
  10. Encouragement

    Pets - How should we treat them?

    No worries...I got ya!! Oh have a look at ur profile.. left a recent responce to you a few days ago..😊
  11. Encouragement

    Should men be able to express themselves in a relationship?

    Hi yes unfortunately there are factors that contribute to this...which actually can put home into a kind of bondage..and limit him being able to express who he really is on the inside..Occassionally they will say that if a guy is in tough with his emotions then hes supposedly in touch with his...
  12. Encouragement

    Pets - How should we treat them?

    Yes humanizing any pet isnt a good thing and to some and those who actually "MARRY" their pets...I think this emoji expresses my view in that one...🤦🏼‍♂️
  13. Encouragement

    Pets - How should we treat them?

    if the animal is suffering then it would be the right thing to would depend on the vets advice and the quality of life the pet had..If the pet still had a decent level of assistance and wasnt suffering then for a little while keep going with the appropriate medication...but at the same...
  14. Encouragement

    Pets - How should we treat them?

    I had a cat since he was just 6 weeks old and he died of thyroid complications when he was around 19..(which is old for a cat) Personally I think sometimes we can easily loose our ability to live our lives as others do in some aspects even though we're Christian. There as many things the bible...
  15. Encouragement

    Should men be able to express themselves in a relationship?

    Hi MegMarch...that's very true..Expectations, preconception and life experiences is what made the difference. Ironically I have known men to resist even going to see the doctor at times claiming that they are fine ect..when there is clearly something wrong...🤣🤣🤣 Ego and pride are two deadly...
  16. Encouragement

    Should men be able to express themselves in a relationship?

    Not to worry..ita all good..😊😊😊💪💪 Remember what God told Joshua "Be strong and courageous ect..."
  17. Encouragement

    Should men be able to express themselves in a relationship?

    Hi Salvajito thanks for checking out this thread..nice to have you join us.. Most interesting to see the difference in culture and how this determines how men are. I also know that a mans strength can also be an attractive feature of his masculinity too.It's amazing how what you are taught be...
  18. Encouragement

    Should men be able to express themselves in a relationship?

    Hi good to have you commenting on my thread..😊 Yea a good point you made about being able to showing love for each other..I am very open in expressing romantic affection verbally ect when in a relationship and would like to be with someone who can too..I dated someone who didn't and it left me...
  19. Encouragement

    Should men be able to express themselves in a relationship?

    Hi Ha ha..I am still around..but it's niceto know that you were aware of my absence in creating new threads for a number of weeks.😊 Yes i know what you mean exactly.Thats one of the issues men sometimes have to battle with..being able so show there emotions and open up about things yet at the...