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  1. MessengerofTruth

    My Testimony- From the Clubs to Christ

    So, I tried hard to stop sinning. I managed to slowly stop the drugs and some of the drinking but, never completely. It was like it had a hook in me and kept pulling me back in to the mire. I read how we are called to Be ye Holy as I am Holy, but here I was going in the opposite direction. I...
  2. MessengerofTruth

    My Testimony- From the Clubs to Christ

    So, I left off telling how I thought that I must have been born again. I went around telling everyone about Jesus and talked to mt pastor and Sunday school teacher about being baptized since I thought that I had been born again. The morning I was to be baptized I heard in my heart "You are an...
  3. MessengerofTruth

    My Testimony- From the Clubs to Christ

    So, I left off with when I moved in with that family. So, I joined my childhood church. I began attending Campus Crusade for Christ meetings with a friend even though I was not a student at the college. One night they had a presentation of a Summer Beach Project at Panama City Beach, Fl. I felt...
  4. MessengerofTruth

    Does God desire the salvation of all mankind?

    By the work of the Spirit in our spirit. A wind that blows across your heart and brings Truth. As we respond to that Truth it furrows the Hard soil of our heart until the ground is fallowed enough to accept the seed of the gospel, to the acknowledging of our sins, and the desire to be made clean...
  5. MessengerofTruth

    Does God desire the salvation of all mankind?

    Yes, I do, the offer stands. But they will not. God is just. Acts 17:24-30.
  6. MessengerofTruth


    Greetings. May the lord bless your fellowship here.
  7. MessengerofTruth

    My Testimony- From the Clubs to Christ

    Hello All, I thought I'd try to share my testimony with you all. My parents divorced when I was 3 and my mother took me, my twin and my 11-month younger brother to live with our father 1 month after he married his new wife. I didn't see my mother for the next 2 years and only sporadically until...
  8. MessengerofTruth

    Why am I depressed?

    Good morning, Siddhi, I've also been thinking of you. I am praying for you also. Hope you have a blessed day.
  9. MessengerofTruth

    Has anyone noticed?

    Just before I got on here earlier, My brother, a new believer, texted me a long text to tell me that he came home from a trip alone to his wife and dogs behaving strange. While he was away his stepson moved back home. That evening his wife behaved very erratic and upset him by doing something...
  10. MessengerofTruth

    Has anyone noticed?

    please pray for my brother and his stepson, There is something serious going on right now.
  11. MessengerofTruth

    Has anyone noticed?

    Interesting that you would bring that up... My brother is dealing with that very thing at this very moment! Please pray for him.
  12. MessengerofTruth

    Has anyone noticed?

    I understand what you are saying, I try to think that possibly they are so steeped in the mainstream that they use that jargon. I assume that they mean that they surrendered to the Lordship of Christ unless I see error in their walk or doctrine. But, I Know that you can almost not be too careful...
  13. MessengerofTruth

    Does God desire the salvation of all mankind?

    Where do you get the precedent that this is a disputable matter?
  14. MessengerofTruth

    Does God desire the salvation of all mankind?

    Jn. 3:18 refutes this. As well as Jn.3:16, 36, 5:24, it goes on and on Belief is central for salvation. And that is not of ourselves but is the gift of faith that we exercise unto salvation. He gives it to every man Rom. 12:3
  15. MessengerofTruth

    The Royal Law Confuse with the Animal Sacrificial Law.

    Not to contradict what you are saying but, I thought that the 10 Commandments were a part of that schoolmaster bringing us to Christ (our desperate need for a Savior) because of our awareness of our falling short and transgression of those commands. Would you agree?
  16. MessengerofTruth

    Flat earth debunked.

    Not crazy about his choice in audio sometimes, sorry... Still, quite informative and thought provoking.
  17. MessengerofTruth

    To anyone who disagrees with me

    Maybe I am misunderstanding what you posted? ...just thought I'd share my own experience in light of what I saw stated...
  18. MessengerofTruth

    To anyone who disagrees with me

    I would have to respectfully disagree. I have personally experienced the fulfilment of that very promise numerous times. Having come from a Christian upbringing where I had a good general knowledge of the scriptures before I was actually converted, the LORD had to bring back to my remembrance...
  19. MessengerofTruth

    Is The Earth Flat Or Round?

    Not that we have to have an "open" mind to the extent that it is empty ready to be filled with all manner of knowledge, but by the Holy Spirit leading us into all Truth. Here a little, there a little... He is able to bring a depth of understanding if we want to know, or rather receive a love of...