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  1. MessengerofTruth

    United States the New Israel?

    Are you sure? This is not what I have gathered from listening to his promotion of the book...
  2. MessengerofTruth

    United States the New Israel?

    I might add that it is a precedent God has made clear, even judging the world and nations that were not necessarily called by His Name. Noah's day, Babel, Nineveh, Sodom and Gomorrah, Pompeii, just to name a few. I think what Jonathan Cahn is sharing to the Christians, the nation, and the world...
  3. MessengerofTruth


    Hello Simon Peter. I am well, How are you? I hope you find fellowship in the Truth here. :)
  4. MessengerofTruth

    Is the “day of Christ” the day of the Rapture?

    I feel the same about many of your posts, Thank you for sharing your walk and what the Lord is leading you in. It has been a real encouragement to me. May the LORD continue to fill you with His wisdom and peace by His Spirit and equip you fully to Stand in this evil day. Thank you again Brother.
  5. MessengerofTruth

    Is the “day of Christ” the day of the Rapture?

    What about what 2 Thess. 2:1-10? It states clearly that we will not be raptured until the Man of sin is revealed (vs.3), which is the anti-Christ spoken of by Daniel the prophet (Matt 24:15 and Dan 11:31 12:11-12) and by Jesus Christ sent by the Angel of the LORD to tell John the Apostle to tell...
  6. MessengerofTruth

    Is the “day of Christ” the day of the Rapture?

    As I understand, The Day of Christ is referring to the hope of the believer's redemption and the Day of the LORD is referring to GOD's divine judgement. Matt 24:29-31 seem to say this clearly. I do not mean to contradict or stir up controversy, I am concerned that many will lose heart in the...
  7. MessengerofTruth

    Elvis Presley's Daughter Dies at 54

    I believe that is also what the soon coming Mark of the Beast is going to be about too. I believe this is why we must talk about these things, exhorting and admonishing in all things, as the Day approaches. I am sorry about your acquaintance. It is a sorrowful time to live...
  8. MessengerofTruth

    Elvis Presley's Daughter Dies at 54

    Please let me encourage you to remember what the LORD told us would happen in these days. There will come mockers and scoffers... Also, count yourself blessed to be one of the wise that are vigilant and sober enough to watch and pray. Please read Dan. 12:10. Don't let the trials of these...
  9. MessengerofTruth

    God's Judgment ------The Harbinger ---Isaiah 9:10

    It is not so much that it is on the books, but that the national leaders have at many times called public prayers and fasting to the Living GOD. The People, in times past, have declared this to be a Christian Nation and a "Nation under GOD" and even approved to put it on the dollar bill. I...
  10. MessengerofTruth

    Elvis Presley's Daughter Dies at 54

    I am surprised at your reaction to this. I thought the exact same thing. I, daily, see individuals dying of the very similar thing and cannot help but see the drastic increase in heart related and sudden deaths since the unprecedented, worldwide, mandated, and deadly "vaccine". I would...
  11. MessengerofTruth

    Released and Killed

    It is so sad to see the fulfilment of the prophecies concerning these days. We must shine our light and encourage one another to walk in Love and forgiveness unto the end.
  12. MessengerofTruth

    Earthly Enemies

    I can relate. The enemy knows he has a short time and he is using every means he can to attack the people of GOD. We will see many that we thought were believers show their true inward fruit. It is sad to see, but we can rejoice that we are accounted worthy to be partakers of Christ's...
  13. MessengerofTruth


    I have been seeking the LORD concerning CERN and saw this this morning. As I watched it I found that I was able to interpret the scientific language into spiritual, like Neutrinos could actually be spirits or demons. There are also Anti-Neutrinos that could actually be angelic beings. I am...
  14. MessengerofTruth

    Nz prime minister resigns

    Praise the LORD!!!
  15. MessengerofTruth

    Conclusion From Beware the Pseudo-Rapture Doctrine 4

    You are right on. Do not give heed to fables.
  16. MessengerofTruth

    What Were You Like in High School?

    Same here... :giggle:
  17. MessengerofTruth

    Despair Over the Future

    I am sorry if I have come across as some snake oil salesman, I am a living witness to the saving Power of Christ over the works of darkness. Wish I could share more but only trying to offer Hope in the Living GOD that has made Himself Real to me for 16 years. He is not a genie in a bottle. He...
  18. MessengerofTruth

    Despair Over the Future

    I would say that I am Highly qualified to witness to the Power of Christ over the works of darkness. I have been at the lowest of lows in my own experience, and in those that have heard my testimony, of the saving to the uttermost of those that call upon the Name of the LORD. I feel that I...