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  1. T


    I'm one of those sad people. Is baptism in the name of Jesus from man or God?
  2. T

    "Is There More Than one Gospel?...

    I agree. It's interesting that the conversation today is does the gospel apply to Jews but at the beginning the question was does it apply to the Gentile. I get the feeling the Jews were almost bummed that Gentiles are saved the same as them. Acts 11:18 When they heard these things they...
  3. T


    I very much agree this is a critical matter, most critical. I believe since it's so critical Satan is doing his best to confuse us. These are also the words of Jesus Himself Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. It's my...
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    I'm curious how did Johns baptism forgive sins without the blood of Christ?
  5. T

    Mid Acts

    I agree that the teachings of Paul are just as good as Jesus speaking them Himself. Jesus sent Paul to preach the gospel and convert as many to Christ as possible. If you believe in mid Acts, could you please point me to where Paul first proclaimed his gospel?
  6. T

    Mid Acts

    There are some who believe that Jesus sent the 12 apostles out to the Jews and Paul out to the Gentiles and that each preached a different gospel. If I understand them correctly, they feel the gospel for today was hidden until Paul was the one to reveal it, after his conversion in mid Acts.
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    God's ONE Baptism For His Body!

    Could you please explain with a little more detail. I'm not sure what point you are making.
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    God's ONE Baptism For His Body!

    Absolutely, I don't have any problems using good study rules and we should. I have filters too so don't let me break any rules or use any of my filters. I don't have any problems looking at past baptisms but for now I would like to focus on baptisms that pertain to the gospel of Jesus. Mark...
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    God's ONE Baptism For His Body!

    I would love to discuss this but it's taking us away from the point of this thread. If you're passionate about this, maybe another thread? :)
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    God's ONE Baptism For His Body!

    I agree. The true church is one with Christ.
  11. T

    God's ONE Baptism For His Body!

    Can you help me to understand what Jesus meant by His instructions to the apostles when He sent them out to proclaim the gospel and "make disciples" baptizing them "in the name of".
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    God's ONE Baptism For His Body!

    I understand what you're saying but I was merely quoting the bible. When Jesus sent out the apostles, these were His instructions to them. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
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    God's ONE Baptism For His Body!

    This is why I respectfully suggest you’re looking at this with preconceived notions. When you say the “kingdom” and “grace” gospels, you’re already applying your filters. I strongly suggest let’s find some common ground by reading what the bible says without applying any of our filters. When...
  14. T

    God's ONE Baptism For His Body!

    I hope it will be productive. If you went that far back, then may I suggest you got off track. I don't think we need to go that far back for now. As I stated, I would like to go back to the beginning of the gospel and establish what baptism is/does then go from there. Do you agree or...
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    Mid Acts

    I've researched it. Now I have questions.
  16. T

    God's ONE Baptism For His Body!

    It's my current understanding that the "fire" is referencing the trials one faces as a result of being a Christian. Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you:
  17. T

    Mid Acts

    Correct me if I'm wrong. The mid Acts folks believe there are two gospels. One from the 12 and is the kingdom gospel and one from Paul that is the grace gospel. After Jesus sent out the 11 to proclaim the gospel, we see they did it immediately after receiving the Holy Spirit. Could...
  18. T


    I wasn't going for weird :) I'll try it another way. There are a lot of different "flavors" of Christians with very different beliefs. They all can't be right and more than likely most are wrong. That is Satan's job to lead as many people astray as he can and cause confusion. If someone...
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    God's ONE Baptism For His Body!

    I didn't get Mark 1:4 in there. John appeared, baptizing in the wilderness and proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.
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    God's ONE Baptism For His Body!

    It looks to me like you're going into this with a preconceived notion. Might I suggest we establish what baptism is/does by starting at the beginning and working up to "one baptism" which was written much later. Mark 1:1 The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God 4 The...