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  1. B

    Faith is a work.

    But if I understand their doctrine, they practice sprinkling instead of immersion, right?
  2. B

    Faith is a work.

    According to James 2:22 that is exactly what it is—faith and works together. “...Faith was working TOGETHER WITH HIS WORKS AND BY WORKS FAITH WAS MADE PERFECT. “ That’s why he says “not by faith only” in verse 24. And that’s why his example of Abraham shows him DOING something, offering...
  3. B

    Faith is a work.

    I agree. Absolutely. The word of God is the final authority in all things. Book, chapter, and verse.
  4. B

    Faith is a work.

    That seems contradictory to me. Why argue a faith only doctrine if you believe works are so necessary that you can’t be saved without them. ? Don’t get me wrong—I believe in faith wholeheartedly but not faith only. I’m just trying to understand his argument. If good works are absolutely...
  5. B

    Faith is a work.

    What about a man who has faith and the time and opportunity to do good works but doesn’t do them?
  6. B

    Faith is a work.

    What happens if a man has faith and has the time and opportunity to do good works but doesn’t do them?
  7. B

    Faith is a work.

    Yes it is. John 6:29. It is a work of God. That makes it an acceptable work— not a work of the law Galations 2:16 or a boastful work Ephesians 2, but a work commanded by God that originated with God. ANY work that originated with GOD. and not men is a work of his. CONSIDER FOR A MOMENT...
  8. B

    Is the “Sinner’s Prayer” in the Bible?

    But they are not unsaved people. They are God’s people—the Jews. Not the same. Apples to oranges.
  9. B

    Is the “Sinner’s Prayer” in the Bible?

    My church history is a little rusty but was Finny one of the early church writers? What time period was he in?
  10. B

    Is the “Sinner’s Prayer” in the Bible?

    You have totally mis used Luke 18 to try to prove this is an example of a sinner’s prayer. For one thing, these men were both Jews, children of God. Gentiles were not allowed in the temple. So the most you have here are two of God’s children praying, one has the proper humble attitude required...
  11. B

    Is the “Sinner’s Prayer” in the Bible?

    Prayed by un Oh then they are all UNSAVED people like the people today who are being told to say a prayer in order to be saved. THE PEOPLE IN PSALMS who would be praying for salvation were all JEWS. THEY WERE ALREADY CHILDREN OF GOD. The most you can argue here is a book of Gods people asking...
  12. B

    Is the “Sinner’s Prayer” in the Bible?

    Are they praying for salvation?? Because that’s what the sinner’s prayers today are all for and are the people in Psalms all non Christians. Because that’s whos Being told to pray for salvation today by the sinner’s prayer.
  13. B

    Is the “Sinner’s Prayer” in the Bible?

    Where a non Christian is praying in order to be saved.
  14. B

    Is the “Sinner’s Prayer” in the Bible?

    Or maybe he’s saved by both, faith AND the sinner’s prayer. Oh but then that would still destroy “salvation by faith alone”. So You are confusing me. Do you believe in salvation by faith alone or do you believe you are saved by saying a sinner’s prayer because those are entirely two different...
  15. B

    Is the “Sinner’s Prayer” in the Bible?

    You may deny it, but if a person says a prayer in order to be saved then that is a “WORK” because he “DID” something to be saved and that alone is enough to cause him to be lost in your mind. Not to mention that if he is saved by saying a prayer then he isn’t saved by faith only.
  16. B

    Is the “Sinner’s Prayer” in the Bible?

    Really? Where? Book, chapter, and verse, please.
  17. B

    Is the “Sinner’s Prayer” in the Bible?

    Guess what? Don’t ever forget that God loves you; it doesn’t matter who you are, what you are or what you have been. Glad I talked to you. Please read Romans 8:35-39. Especially read this every time you are down or having. Problems. You have someone who loves you. Never forget that. Also...
  18. B

    Is the “Sinner’s Prayer” in the Bible?

    You are so right about the nonsense. Do you realize