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  1. Lifted_by_the_word

    Is the Vaccine the Mark of the Beast (MOTB)?

    God himself revealed these things to me.And you can't say to the Lord, "I didn't know" because it was also revealed to you. Where was the Ark of the Covenant placed?In the temple.Who's blood is the daily sacrifice?.It certainly isn't yours if he rules on the mercy seat. This is the second...
  2. Lifted_by_the_word

    Spiritual truth on why Jesus arrived in Jerusalem on a donkey

    I did a video explaining the hand signs revealed to me, and have a little more understanding of some of them. But I also forgot a few in the video.:( Pardon my lisp.Making these videos are nerve racking lol.
  3. Lifted_by_the_word

    1 Pet 2:5 "offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ". What are these?

    I just did a video on spiritual sacrifice.Pretty much. :ROFL: Just got a 1080 webcam for my laptop recently and wanted to learn how to edit
  4. Lifted_by_the_word

    Southern Baptist Convention Quashed Sex Abuse Claims

    The pastor totally played the victim.I bet he only confessed because the victim threaten to come out before hand.
  5. Lifted_by_the_word

    Is the Vaccine the Mark of the Beast (MOTB)?

    When I say you are in the image of the Ark of the Covenant,Your legs and arms are the poles that are used to carry the Ark.The heart is the mercy seat.If you follow your own heart of stone,you are sitting on the mercy seat defiling the Temple.
  6. Lifted_by_the_word

    Is the Vaccine the Mark of the Beast (MOTB)?

    The vaccine tints the blood,and with it, the water,followed by the slowly fading spirit It is a form of the mark of the beast.The real mark is the carnal,worldly mind.Just like how God sets his mark on you when he makes peace with you,(mark of the dove) You are given the mark of the beast while...
  7. Lifted_by_the_word

    Dealing with Temptation advice?

    Romans chapters 6 to 8.
  8. Lifted_by_the_word

    Isaiah 13....the raptured Church returning WITH the Lord Jesus at His Second Coming?

    Isaiah 13:4, his sanctified ones are his Two Witnesses of Revelation,and his mighty ones are the 144,000. 13:4 is connected to Revelation 14, and Revelation 11. His sanctified ones are the OT/NT.
  9. Lifted_by_the_word

    Spiritual truth on why Jesus arrived in Jerusalem on a donkey

    Just wanted to share one more. Spirit The Holy Spirit in your heart. Water The saliva in your mouth. Blood Your tongue of fire when testifying of Jesus. The moment the words leave our mouths, God has already made a way for us. How awesome is that? :giggle:
  10. Lifted_by_the_word


    Op,download E-sword.It's free and comes with different translations of the Bible.E-Sword helps out a lot when you're studying.
  11. Lifted_by_the_word

    need help

    I apologize.
  12. Lifted_by_the_word

    What is M&M promoting?

    I've never heard of Rosalia.searching images and I found her doing the hidden eye thing with a flower.Check out John Todd videos for information on what really goes on in the music industry, and in Hollywood.
  13. Lifted_by_the_word

    need help

    My bodies the temple.Not some church down the street.I can have fellowship with my brothers and sisters here, or with those in my presence,and share knowledge and wisdom together. "Where two or three are gathered, there I'm in the mist of them" He's there while I read the word alone.His two...
  14. Lifted_by_the_word

    need help

    Don't bother joining a church.A lot of people here well disagree with that statement,but you need to have a personal relationship with the Lord through prayer and reading of the word. Read one of Matthew,Mark,Luke,John and then read Acts down to Revelation. Later you can go back and finish the...
  15. Lifted_by_the_word

    Speak Your Mind.

    I'll read it soon.Sounds like he also made the sun and the moon twice,the animals twice. if there were two sets of humans and animals walking the earth.Why isn't there two suns and moons? Makes me think he made them in a more spiritual sense.Like another heaven,or dimension, that mirrors ours...
  16. Lifted_by_the_word

    Speak Your Mind.

    Why does scripture repeat the making of man twice in Genesis,but on the second time,Eve is made with Adams rib?:unsure:
  17. Lifted_by_the_word

    Cell-sized Robots

    Nano tech is something these satanist have been working on for years.
  18. Lifted_by_the_word


    God is amazing!.He took all the pain away,like he said he would. With each step taken toward him,that feeling of true love fills me more, and more. How can anything that goes against God, stand against his love? It can't.
  19. Lifted_by_the_word

    Spiritual truth on why Jesus arrived in Jerusalem on a donkey

    Looking at my body with my hands up.It is a living Ark of the Covenant.My left leg and arm is the staff of Aaron.The right leg and arm is the staff of Moses.My eyes, ears,nose, also can be in memory of the old and new covenant. This is why you see celebrities, and major public figures doing...