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  1. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Amen and thank you Ljs. this message bears repeating, because it is the true gospel. When God looks at us He see's the righteousness of His son. When God loves us He loves us with the same, "Agape Love", that He loves His Son Jesus Christ.
  2. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Why the "sour grapes" benhur?, it has become clear to everyone that you do not know the "Sovereign God of the Universe." "For many are called, but few are chosen." Matthew22:14 Matthew22:11-14 The Parable of the Banquet 11) But when the king came in to see the guests, he spotted a man who was...
  3. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Quote: "If Christ is in me, what is in me?" Your message is half a gospel, a half gospel is a whole lie. Christ in me; Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to live within the us that we would have power for service. And the Holy Spirit seals the believer "for the day of redemption" Ephesans4:30 30 And...
  4. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Amen and thank you VCO, for a clear interpretation of the "Grace of God" in our lives. I live everyday walking in Faith with God's Grace and the "gift of eternal life", to bring me "Safely Home." (oops that is the title of a wonderful true story, by Randy Alcorn, excellent read). Trusting in...
  5. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Hi Endoscopy, my point is a person can "trust in saying a creed" instead of "trusting in Jesus Christ" and think that they are saved just like VCO explained to you. Technology has to do with the bible being placed in the hands of true believers, we did not have that ability to mass produce...
  6. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Oh my then we all better get to work trying to keep ourselves saved with our wonderful self-righteous deeds.
  7. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Hi Undergrace, you are correct that they are misinterpreting James2:14, and I will add that they will also say; 'you see, because without works you will lose your eternal salvation.' Therefore salvation is by works or else your faith is dead.
  8. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Hi Undergrace, agree if something is dead then it had to be alive at one point in time, sounds to me like TheQuestion is refering to James2:14 again, Ephesians2:8-10 8) For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of...
  9. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Hi Endoscopy, I accept your 3 points as being useful from days of old to identify what a True Christian believes. But that does not translate to our world of technology today does it. And I think you have gone a step to far to say that, "it come from the heart." How can anyone know what is in...
  10. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Amen decon Hi decon, your time line is very accurate. The hand written Epistles began to circulate during the 1st century Church as early as 50A.D. The Greek word "Epistle", is derived from the word "pistol", a word we use to describe a gun that delivers "bullets." The Epistles were small...
  11. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Hi Endoscopy, The fly in the ointment is, if one person misses the "Gospel Message" because they trusted in, "saying the creed every Sunday Morning", as part of your Church liturgy, instead of believing in their heart and trusting in Jesus for their salvation, then the creed becomes problematic...
  12. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Amen decon, benhur says, "what if I do a little extra work for God." and like you say what he actually pushes is a counterfeit Christ because he also believes that if you do not do the "little extra work", God will "cut us of", all because he misinterprets John15:2. benhur pushes one of the...
  13. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Please add scripture to support what you are saying.
  14. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Anyone who "adds works", to our eternal salvation in any way shape or form is pushing a false gospel.
  15. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    These are the words of our Savior Jesus Christ, and how do you interpret His words to you and myself when he say's; "everyone who looks to the Son and believes in him 'shall have eternal life'." Exacly, everyone who looks to the son and believes in Him shall have "eternal life. The only...
  16. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Hi Lafftur, Jesus said, "not as the world gives give I to thee." John14:27 Philipians4:4 4:4 Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I say, rejoice Galatians5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 1Peter1:8 Though you have not seen him...
  17. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Psalm113:3 From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the LORD is to be praised.
  18. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Amen! Thank you Decon, I have not posted a video since I realized video's were slowing down the feed action on your thread "Not By Works." Now it has become difficult just to type and scroll - the person posting videos please stop.
  19. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Hi VCO, It sounds like a good idea but I'm gonna pass at least for now. As far as the bible study was concerned my wife and I are not going to participate because we would not feel comfortable in a charismatic setting, Appreciate what you have done so far and thanks.
  20. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Hi Calibob, "Any Ideas?" nope not me. I just wanted to say good bye to 1ofthem and wish him well, no more or no less, just good bye, and nothing to do with subject matter.