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    In the beginning

    Creation does have a beginning for man and everyone should know the revolution of the year.
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    Did giants really exist?

    In the NT the word angel comes from the root word holy ones, but that same word is where we get the word saints also
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    Martyrdom to come

    IMO they are just the beginning of those who come out of the Tribulation
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    Wars and rumors of war.

    3 US troops killed by Iranian drone
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    Wars and rumors of war.

    United States moving Nukes to UK amid threats from Russia
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    Wars and rumors of war.

    Germany says WW3 coming in 2025
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    my time line charts

    You truly know how to scramble scripture
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    my time line charts

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I see taking the seal judgments which probably only last 6 months and stretch it out over seven years. I call this a mess of dubious information
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    my time line charts

    I disagree Selah. The covenant is for many nations for protection and includes Israel. Not till 1260 days later does he put himself forth as God. It's not that I do not agree with the 7th totally but what do you do with the vial or bowl judgements that come after the Trump judgements ??
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    Vatican City is going to be destroyed in 25 months from now, and all fiat currencies will enter a state of hyperinflation

    With 4 billion earthlings dead from wars, pestilence, ect, few things will be worth more than food
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    Exodus 10:1-13:16 and the First Passover

    Nile to blood I see was caused by the killing of the innocent by discarding their bodies in the Nile. I see the revolution of the year as being Passover
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    Vatican City is going to be destroyed in 25 months from now, and all fiat currencies will enter a state of hyperinflation

    Since I see a 7 year tribulation I say not a chance to the prospects of hijitodedios198
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    Vivek Ramaswamy Endorses Trump

    He will have a place in the administration
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    When we get to Heaven

    Do to no more pain or tears, IMO I do not think we will have any memories of what happened on this planet.
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    When we get to Heaven

    will we know our spouses. children, friends? 30 For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven.
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    What year did David become king of Judah? Please, give reasons for your answer.

    I was pleased to see other christians doing a time study. In doing so you can easily see God's plan for humanity and how young the earth really is! Remember there was only 76 generations between Adam and the Lord.
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    What year did David become king of Judah? Please, give reasons for your answer.

    I have a personal timeline. Exodus date of 2553 from creation or 1447 BC From Exodus to 4th year of Solomon's reign 1 Kings 6:1 ----- 967 BC or 3033 years from creation David ruled 7 years from Bethlehem and 33 from Jerusalem--total 40 years Subtract 4 years from Solomon and 40 from David I...
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    World is inching towards war

    Iran one step away from a nuclear weapon
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    Guessing and speculating about 1335 days
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    Christians are considered wheat!

    Looks like their will be lots of animals there! 38 But God gives it a body as he has chosen, and to each kind of seed its own body. 39 For not all flesh is alike, but there is one kind for men, another for animals, another for birds, and another for fish.