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  1. G

    Welcome to the Kamala Harris Presidential Campaign

    as i heard someone say, her strategy seems to be to get folks to hate trump more than high inflation, high prices, open border, etc...
  2. G

    teens wanting to change gender

    in all of the trans nonsense, the devil is in it. and behind it.
  3. G

    when coffee becomes sin.

    did not know coffee could do that..
  4. G

    NEW CC Perspectives on Levels of Conspiracy & Corruption in 2020 Election, CV19 & DS Existence

    they will not say a word, or if they do mention it, it will be quick and dismissed..
  5. G

    Could Trump do anything to make you stop supporting him?

    or, it was a series of planned events to get a certain outcome.. nah, that could not be the case..:cool:
  6. G

    Could Trump do anything to make you stop supporting him?

    i live in ga,. and when the " watermain break" happened, i knew something was up. and not in a good way..
  7. G

    The Difference

    my cousin's husband was a strong believer . had been for decades. then, in his early 60's, he had a heart attack. i went and saw him in the hospital, and he was really upset and confused as to why the Lord would allow that to happen. so, his faith was shaken to it's core, and i have not talked...
  8. G

    NEW CC Perspectives on Levels of Conspiracy & Corruption in 2020 Election, CV19 & DS Existence

    they are trying to put a positive spin on the rather large protests that are happening at the convention...
  9. G

    NEW CC Perspectives on Levels of Conspiracy & Corruption in 2020 Election, CV19 & DS Existence

    see, here is real truth- if the deep state does indeed get total control, us INFOwarriors will end up in prison camps.. if the military marshal law plan gets carried out, we INFOwarriors will not go along with it, end up in prison camps. so, we end up in the same place....
  10. G

    NEW CC Perspectives on Levels of Conspiracy & Corruption in 2020 Election, CV19 & DS Existence

    sure, military takeovers have a long , rich history of working out so well, and justice and peace always follow..:ROFL::ROFL:
  11. G

    NEW CC Perspectives on Levels of Conspiracy & Corruption in 2020 Election, CV19 & DS Existence

    so, what is plan for us that will not submit to martial law??
  12. G

    A critical look at Harris

    rules for radicals is their playbook. and saul alinsky praised lucifer as the first rebel. that says all that needs to said..
  13. G

    It's already started, but people can't see it! THE AWAKENING OF THE ANTICHRIST! Don't get sealed

    never for 1 minute have i regretted not taking the covid vax,,
  14. G

    NEW CC Perspectives on Levels of Conspiracy & Corruption in 2020 Election, CV19 & DS Existence

    this has the potential to go really bad for the dems. if protesters and the police begin to clash, that will be a bad look.
  15. G

    AI Robots and Beast System Tech

    i have seen videos of amazon stores in airports where people can scan their palm over a scanner, get what they want, and it is charged to what ever card is attached to their amazon account..
  16. G

    AI Robots and Beast System Tech

    if not, they will be... it is coming...