So far I know you are claiming not that the vaccination is poison and will kill 65% of the vaccined people after one year, or change the DNA, and such stuff.
So why you put the shoe on?
Well, the numbers going up in germans Icons. 80 till 90% are unvaccined people. The age is between 20-80 years. Says the chief of the icu university clinic in Hamburg.
The chief of the icu of the university clinic in cologne quotes a 30 old unvacvined icu patient who said he is unvaccined...
I realy dont know where you live Nehemiah6, maby you live in a place where there is no Covid. It may be such places. Then be glad.
About the numbers in Italy. You cant tell me and the italian press cant also not do. They and you did made no autopsy of all the dead people. And when they would...
If you use this talk, then you should mention also the context in which Bill Gates explaines what he means with population controle Without this context you come to a false conclusion. As you obvious do.
Sorry to say, this is simply not true! Of course they can see then who is vaccined and who not. But this is logic.
If we would get a Mikrochip any how this must be to proof. Where s your proof for this claime?
It is of course a tragedy for the famlily of this child, no question. But you should know that in germany at least 1 million children up to 12 are already vaccined. And you should know that this child had before heavy heart and vascular deseases.
We know that the virus is attacking heart and the...
The italian Institut says that 65,8 % died because of high pressure. Question would say still be alive if they had not got the virus? If yes, then the virus is the reason for their death.
It is known that people with predeseases have a high risk for an heavy case or for to die.
For to say...
Gideon, what is coming in the future is not only prophecie, its also Gods plan with mankind.
And also we find nowhere a duty for us to stop the antichrist, if I am not wrong.
Yes, and all the brothers and sisters of you who died because of Covid? It was their own fault or what?
When you will understand that Sars Cov-2 is an desease which kill people? And deasease like tbc, pocks, measles, polio, ebola, Hepatitis A, etc.
Great for you, and praise God that then you not spread this deseases to others.
As you QUOTE in verse 28. It can kill your body!
Btw what is with all the brothers and sisters of you which are killed through contagious deseases? Lack of Gods authority may not be thecresson why they die.
So you...
Again, this has nothing to do with Fauci, or is he the leader of this world?
I think you would not like to meet people with tbc or any contagious deseaes without masking and vaccined.
To be for the vaccine, has nothing to do with Fauci or any other person. It a question of common sense. So it is total absurd to say anyone who is for the vaccine follows an satanist!