Search results

  1. Didymous

    Respect, Property, and Protection

    Have you tried prayer first? I was in or around violence almost all my life, so I know that brandishing weapons only discourages those afraid of violence. :cool:
  2. Didymous

    Lets cause trouble...

    I eat with my hands! Maybe we're distant cousins, Mel?! :cool:
  3. Didymous

    Is this arrogant?

    Arrogant? No. Observant? Yes. :cool:
  4. Didymous

    A Pentecostal friend told me that God told him the pandemic is over...

    just wondering if anyone else has heard anything similar. :cool:
  5. Didymous

    Not a “President” Trump fan BUT news media,U have gone TOO FAR!

    Really? Talk bout hate. Shame on you.
  6. Didymous


    Eye - Aye - I :cool: Real eyes Realize Real lies. Aye - Pirate for yes. Raise.
  7. Didymous

    True or False

    I saw Bigfoot. :cool: True or false?
  8. Didymous

    Has anyone ever Met on here?

    What Dino said. :cool:
  9. Didymous

    Struggling with this principle

    What's the problem? The two aren't mutually exclusive.
  10. Didymous

    Midnight Confessions

    Found him! :cool:
  11. Didymous

    Lets laugh together!

    We're gonna have a bee-bee! :cool:
  12. Didymous

    Midnight Confessions

    I have to confess-I lost my cousin! Has anyone seen him? :unsure:
  13. Didymous

    Lets laugh together!

    We're gonna have a bee-bee! :cool:
  14. Didymous

    Lets laugh together!

    What did the mama bullet say to the papa bullet?
  15. Didymous

    What is your "Quarantine Nickname"

    Stoic fire-roasted jalapeno pita chips with smoked oysters! :cool:
  16. Didymous

    I Noticed...

    Dogs can't hear the lowest note on a piano. :cool:
  17. Didymous


    Hello, and welcome, duckling! :cool:
  18. Didymous

    Nothing but questions.

    Are vegans even vegans? :cool:
  19. Didymous

    7 Selfish Habits the Coronavirus may cure

    Good for you! Posting positive thoughts about this is biblical. Paul in Philippians 4 did just that-while in jail. :cool: