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  1. H

    Misuse of the local church

    I read an article that the description given to Moses was: "I manifest Myself (God) any way I want". And yes, His name is another thing: Zechariah 14:9 And Yahweh will be king over all the earth; on that day Yahweh will be one and his name one Harris, W. H., III, Ritzema, E., Brannan, R...
  2. H

    Does church mean a lot to you?

    Not sure about this, Wesley made a great amount of money, he sold some tracts chap and many commoners bought them. He was a very thrifty person, and I think he used the money for good causes. Then there was the case of a Healing revival preacher in the 50's who received millions in donations...
  3. H

    Misuse of the local church

    I learned long time ago that not all cases are black or white. Some times things are grey, and we have to look for the facts of the case to judge right. If it was wrong, then the next is to set some sort of rules to prevent recurrence. Then the event would be a case for improvement, in the move...
  4. H

    Misuse of the local church

    Interesting I do not have clear the Yeh for the Yah. In another forum a person with the right background mentioned something of a vowel shift or something in that respect. I am not a linguist, so I do not really understand that. If God's name is in a way, you can shift all vowels you want, His...
  5. H

    How should a Christian view socialism?

    Thanks for the links. I will have to set some time aside to check the info and learn more about ERTSF.
  6. H

    Misuse of the local church

    Bendiciones hermana: The Catholic Church has a Moral theology framework to study a case like this: 1 Object: a particular group of persons were using the Church building for some act, celebration, etc. 2 Intention: they seemed not to be violating any by-laws as such things are not regulated...
  7. H

    Misuse of the local church

    Wow JaumeJ you are really multi cultural. An asset if you ever decide doing missions. Can you explain why Yeshua instead of Yahshua? In the Bible the short name is Yah (short for Yahweh), and shua means save? So it would seem Yahshua being the correct. I was once very concerned about the...
  8. H

    Before The Foudation Of The World 2

    JaumeJ, to me you seem legit, and I do know that the Holy Spirit bears witness that you are an adopted children of God. I do agree with persons like John Frame that know that "experience is the highest form of perception". A man of God near a river, saw a heavenly being there who communicated...
  9. H

    Does church mean a lot to you?

    Yes, but to be fair, those same persons in the prosperity gospel, when prospered, are very active in ministry helping in thankfulness for what God did for them. In most fake ones yes the preacher plays them, but there are some others, that the people really change their lives around, and then...
  10. H

    Before The Foudation Of The World 2

    With due respect, the mission of Jesus was twofold: 1 die for our sins. 2 baptize with the Holy Spirit. The way we got it is: Adam was doing fine, and had the glory of God manifest in his life (Holy Spirit). Because the transgression, the Holy Spirit left Adam and Eve. Human toiling started...
  11. H

    Before The Foudation Of The World 2

    I understand your point, but remember that subjective refers that a particular person experienced and the others did not. When some disciples saw the transfiguration of Jesus, it was subjective to the other disciples because they did not experience it. It does not mean that it was not real, but...
  12. H

    Before The Foudation Of The World 2

    This is interesting seed time harvest, can you recommend any resources to know more about this: e books, videos, web pages, etc. Thanks ahead of time for any input.
  13. H

    Before The Foudation Of The World 2

    I get your point and think that God forgets some things on purpose (mostly out of mercy), but what about: Psalms 139:16 Your eyes saw my unformed substance;in your book were written, every one of them,the days that were formed for me,when as yet there were none of them. God does know much...
  14. H

    Before The Foudation Of The World 2

    To get the facts rights, and decide based on them is not inquisition, is an undelegable responsibility every believer has. See a post in a different thread: #3 Would you rather go to a church that takes serious the commission Jesus gave or would you rather spend time playing church and member...
  15. H

    Does church mean a lot to you?

    Some experienced authors say that people tend to go to different types of churches for different purposes: Pastoral church: is like an emotional / spiritual hospital. Hurts from the past and traumas are dealt with, the person's self concept and esteem, is worked on, a wholistic healing approach...
  16. H


    Interesting Apostol2013: I would imagine people participate in the threads, and sometimes get very emotionally charged, because the subject matter being studied is very important. My question to you is can you tell the sincerely mistaken brothers, from the ones that are trying to push an...
  17. H


    umzza, John the Baptist dressed funny (not in fashion to put it polite), and ate weird stuff (as compared to what was usual and customary), yet multitudes went to him, and begged to listen to him and be ministered, and do you know why? because the glory of God was shining on him. When God asks...
  18. H


    Hi CharliRenee: interesting concept. God is love, God is jealous... The way I see it, is that unlike other persons (created beings), God is the Creator. If He chooses someone (or an ethnic group), to pour His affections, blessings and the like, you better take that serious if you are the...
  19. H


    We understand that all our works are but like unclean rags to God. They are ineffectual and useless to save. But God is God, and we are not. God works using a covenant structure. Covenants in ANE were like so: Some great king, had done something great for a group of people. The deed done was...
  20. H

    Do we all willfully sin against God?.

    Good observation, and is somehow ingrained in some persons: Secular analogy: Technocrat is walking to the office, and is reviewing a presentation of importance that he has to give. A small rock is in the way and he does not notice it, steps on it, twists his ankle, falls, and has some injury...