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  1. Dude653

    The Onion News Network has foreclosed on Alex Jones.

    No. For a defamation lawsuit you need more than just being called a liar. You have to demonstrate in court that what the person said caused you damages like having to move 10 times because you were harassed by Alex Jones minions. I know you're smarter than this. You used to be a teacher
  2. Dude653

    The Onion News Network has foreclosed on Alex Jones.

    No, it's not illegal to have a different opinion just like it's not illegal for me to call this guy, a liar and a hypocrite for defending. Alex Jones
  3. Dude653

    The Onion News Network has foreclosed on Alex Jones.

    Opinion doesn't change facts. Sandy Hook happened... fact Alex Jones used his platform to slander the fame and harass grieving families....fact Alex Jones lied multiple times on the witness stand. .. fact Alex Jones lies incited harassment and threats....fact Yes, certain individuals are...
  4. Dude653

    The Onion News Network has foreclosed on Alex Jones.

    Doubling down on this brain dead opinion again? One of those families had to move 10 times because they were being harassed and threatened by Alex Jones minions. What do you think is going to happen when someone goes on the radio and says people are lying about their children being killed and...
  5. Dude653

    Could Trump do anything to make you stop supporting him?

    Yes and special pleading because apparently God can use anyone except people who vote differently from you. Those people are allegedly evil and Satan worshipers and all that junk
  6. Dude653

    Could Trump do anything to make you stop supporting him?

    Cognitive dissonance and special pleading Trump supporters will find any excuse not to hold him accountable for his unethical behavior " God can use anyone except people who vote differently for me and those people are evil and worship Satan"
  7. Dude653

    The Onion News Network has foreclosed on Alex Jones.

    Forgiveness doesn't mean you don't face consequences for your actions. Otherwise I could commit crimes with impunity and then tell the judge well. God forgave me so it's all good You're defending a man who used his platform to slander defame and harass grieving families and made money while...
  8. Dude653

    The Onion News Network has foreclosed on Alex Jones.

    Yes and anyone defending Alex Jones is immediately disqualified from talking to me about morals or Christian values
  9. Dude653

    Could Trump do anything to make you stop supporting him?

    Trump could probably come out and say he's atheist and hates Christians and they would still find some way to excuse it. " Well, God can use anybody'
  10. Dude653

    The Onion News Network has foreclosed on Alex Jones.

    I literally highlighted the part where he said hoax. He just spelled it differently
  11. Dude653

    Could Trump do anything to make you stop supporting him?

    I couldn't agree more. They keep trying to downplay January 6th. Every one of them should have been charged with sedition
  12. Dude653

    The Onion News Network has foreclosed on Alex Jones.

    Yeah that sounds like something Elon musk would do seeing as how he bought Twitter for the express purpose of giving cuckoos a platform
  13. Dude653

    The Onion News Network has foreclosed on Alex Jones.

    At the risk of being redundant, the point is to bankrupt him so he doesn't have a platform to do this to someone else Because he will do it again because he's just that stupid
  14. Dude653

    Could Trump do anything to make you stop supporting him?

    Well I was actually about to say the same thing. So I'm not sure why this other guy is mad about America supporting Israel.
  15. Dude653

    The Onion News Network has foreclosed on Alex Jones.

    Also, I don't think it's excessive at all. The whole point is to take everything he has so he doesn't have a platform to defame people anymore. Since he can't be criminally prosecuted, nothing short of his being sued down to his last pair of underwear would be Justice
  16. Dude653

    Could Trump do anything to make you stop supporting him?

    I know America supports Israel because they are basically our only Ally in the region and if the Palestinians had their way, there wouldn't be a single Jew Left alive
  17. Dude653

    Is Elon Musk the forerunner for the Antichrist?

    He bought Twitter for the express purpose of giving racists nd conspiracy cuckoo's a platform That's why he lost like half his ad revenue
  18. Dude653

    The Onion News Network has foreclosed on Alex Jones.

    He says Alex Jones got sued over hurt feelings, implying that Alex Jones did nothing wrong. If you scroll up, he also said Sandy Hook was a hoax
  19. Dude653

    Could Trump do anything to make you stop supporting him?

    The state of Israel didn't exist until like the '50s. So these scriptures would have nothing to do with America's support of Israel
  20. Dude653

    Could Trump do anything to make you stop supporting him?

    The state of Israel didn't exist until the '50s.