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  1. P

    Visual attraction

    I think a 300 pound man would fare better in the dating marketplace than a woman of a similar size. ;) As with most things, the right companion makes the difference. Mine have aesthetic requirements and that works for me.
  2. P

    So We All Know About Our OWN Quirks - How Good Are We at Putting Up with Someone Else's? Are We Just Too Set in Our Ways?

    How much of your quirkiness is set in stone? How much could be changed? How much could be changed, but you just don't want to change it? I’ll always prefer French food, fashion and accessories. I appreciate others but my bias will never change. I’ll always be a cultural aficionado and give...
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    Self Improvement VS Changing Who I Am

    I intentionally select companions who are willing to help me grow and tell me hard truths. I test this during our acquaintance and gauge his perspective on controversial issues. I can’t respect his leadership if he minces words or encourage him to tackle difficult subjects if I lose my head. I...
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    What is the biggest age gap you would consider when dating someone?

    Mid-thirties is my sweet spot. I used to date men my age (forties) but I found greater compatibility with men slightly younger. Temperament and mindset were the primary factors.
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    With So Many "Fish in the Sea", How Many Should Someone be Baiting at Once?

    I don’t believe there’s one approach for everyone. But I think it’s important to have a realistic understanding of your strengths and weaknesses and how they’re viewed by the opposite of sex. Ideally, you’ve developed an idea of the qualities you prefer and validate this through firsthand...
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    31 and still single/ unmarried

    I’m familiar with Mennonite and Amish teachings. Their practices fall well outside the norms. I befriended an Amish man years ago and it isn’t the ideal life for most. Few join Old Amish Orders. Mennonites and less restrictive groups are more popular. But departures happen. And when you leave...
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    31 and still single/ unmarried

    I think it’s important to weigh platitudes against facts when possible. People are marrying later for many reasons. Changes in the workforce and culture are large contributors. To suggest the absence of readiness (which may appease the heart) while ignoring the reality many married much earlier...
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  9. P

    Best Christian Books You Have Read....(other than the Bible)

    The Magic of Thinking Big - David Schwartz The Spiritual Man - Watchman Nee
  10. P

    Kissing before marriage?

    I prefer to engage organically. If we reach a point in our interaction where a kiss is desired, I’ll address it then. I don’t believe in micromanagement and supposition is easy when you’re not in a position to test the theory. I’ve kissed men in the past. Intimacy is not a precursor for more...
  11. P

    Did you guys ever consider to never get married?

    My life is pleasant and peaceful. Temperament is my linchpin. Rants and complaints are commonplace. Good deportment and restraint are less so. Gentlemen and ladies are rarities now. The person who greets the day with expectation and embraces the possibilities which await is most appealing. I...
  12. P

    Why do marriages fail?

    @presidente I agree with your sentiments regarding wage disparities in marriage. Some couples can deal with it and others struggle. Difficulties may arise on both ends. Too much assertion from her or not enough from him (as pertains to leadership). Humans are apt to overestimate their...
  13. P

    I’m single and not really digging it.

    The expression is apropos. By pruning, I’m referencing thoughts, feelings, behaviors, etc. which compromise my purpose, mindset or heart. If I’m consciously aware of impediments or potential harm it’s my responsibility to address them. It’s one thing to require assistance or lack the knowledge...
  14. P

    Do we need friends? Is it a sin to not have friends?

    He often pulls me back from situations to prevent burnout or over extension. Its less about non involvement and related to where He wants my attention. I have more on my plate and made adjustments to accommodate the changes. I schedule weekly time with my friends for connection and support...
  15. P

    Do You Have Many Non Christian Friends?

    My activities attract a mixed demographic and I seek the company of like-minded people who are actively pursuing goals, dreams, etc.
  16. P

    Do we need friends? Is it a sin to not have friends?

    There are biblical precedents for periods of aloneness with the Lord. But they’re generally for a season and not continuous. Proverbs affirms the value of a three-strand chord. We have moments when a helpful word or shoulder is beneficial. When I came to faith there was a stretch of time when...
  17. P

    I’m single and not really digging it.

    Thank you for the compliment. No, I haven’t been on the site. I just stumbled across it. :)
  18. P

    I’m single and not really digging it.

    “And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” —Elizabeth Appell There was a time when marriage was a focus and I wondered when it would occur. But as the years passed I realized my conception was earthbound and I needed to ascend to...
  19. P

    Catfishing in "Reverse" -- Is It Just As Wrong?

    Prudence implies discretion and discernment. Not deception. In the course of interacting and conversing, you’ll divulge interests, dreams and experiences. You needn’t articulate your financial status to impart values and lifestyle choices. Common denominators are evident and discourse will...
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    Online Dating 101

    I think the elephant in the room in Christian dating is faith is not enough. Few people are being scrutinized through religious lenses or set aside for doctrinal issues. The majority of Christian connections (and relationships) fail for reasons outside of God. And what many are yearning to hear...