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  1. S

    Christian Discussion/Debate to Promote Your Christian Belief Using ONLY 1 SCRIPTURE VERSE PER POST and NO COMMENTARY. Iron Sharpens Iron.

    Genesis 3:24 He drove out the man, and at the east of the garden of Eden he placed the cherubim and a flaming sword that turned every way to guard the way to the tree of life.
  2. S

    Did GOD give any Laws to people before Moses?

    Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil in disobedience to God's instructions, so it does make any sense for you to try to associate as being like obedience to God's instructions. There are a number of ways where Eve's desire influenced her judgement (Genesis 3:6) and our...
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    Did GOD give any Laws to people before Moses?

    God's character is eternal, so the way to act in accordance with or contrary to God's character is therefore also eternal, and sin is what is contrary to God's character, such as with righteousness being in accordance with God's character while unrighteousness is sin. The Bible often uses the...
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    The 10 Commandments and the Law of Moses

    It is by God's law that we have knowledge of what sin is (Romans 3:20), so the position that Gentiles were never under it is the position that Gentiles are free to do what God has revealed to be sin through it, that Gentiles don't need to repent from sin, that Gentiles don't need salvation from...
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    The gospel of …..

    If you want a list, then you can search for "613 commandments". For example, the Mosaic Law instructs us to honor our parents, so are you really denying that no one has ever done anything to honor their parents?
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    The gospel of …..

    The Mosaic Law also instructions for offerings to be made at the temple with a presiding Levitical priesthood. When the Israelites were exiled to Babylon the condition for their return to the land was to first return to obedience to God's law, which again contains instructions in regard to...
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    The gospel of …..

    How does that interact with what I said in my posts?
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    The gospel of …..

    In Deuteronomy 5:31-33, Moses wrote down everything that God instructed Him without departing from it, so all of Law of Moses was commanded by God. Likewise, the Law of Moses is referred to as being the Law of God in verses like Nehemiah 8:1-8, Ezra 7:6-12, and Luke 2:22-23. Moreover, Jesus...
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    The gospel of …..

    God's commandments are His instructions for how to love Him with all of our heart, mind, soul, and strength: Deuteronomy 6:4-7 You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. 6 And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart...
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    Paul did not abiding in the Truth

    For example, a student does not move on to algebra by disregarding the elementary teachings of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, but by building upon them. Paul was not speaking about regressing to the point where we are no longer even following the elementary teachings, but...
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    Teaching Obedience to the Law Unmasked: Neo-Judaism in the Church

    That’s a misappropriation of a term that is already a misnomer. Jesus taught repentance from our sins, God’s law is how we know what sin is, and the problem that they had with the Judaizers was not that they were teaching Gentiles how to follow Christ. It is not that we are required to add our...
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    Teaching Obedience to the Law Unmasked: Neo-Judaism in the Church

    Really? I’ve never seen anyone argue that Gentiles need to become circumcised in order to become saved. The Bible never treats holiness as a negative thing.
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    The gospel of …..

    In Romans 10:5-8, it references Deuteronomy 30:11-16 as the word of faith that we proclaim in regard to saying that the Mosaic Law is not too difficult for us to obey and that obedience to it brings life and a blessing, which is the word of faith that you are denying. Likewise, in 1 John 5:3...
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    The gospel of …..

    That does not show how what I said was wrong and I'm not the one who thinks that it makes sense to interpret God's word as promoting rebellion against Him. The veil was preventing people from seeing that the goal of everything in Scripture is to testify about how to know Jesus and that veil is...
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    The gospel of …..

    Please read post#33 in regard to Matthew 5: In Deuteronomy 4:2, it is a sin to add to or subtract form the law, so Jesus did not make changes to is, but rather he was fulfilling the law...
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    The gospel of …..

    God's law remains to condemn only those who refuse to submit to it through faith. In Romans 8:1, there is therefor now no condemnation for those who are in Christ, and in 1 John 2:6, those who are in Christ are obligated to walk in the same way he walked, so verses that speak about those who...
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    The gospel of …..

    In 1 Timothy 1:8, it says that God's law is good if it used properly, so verses 9-10 should not be absurd as saying that it is not good for us to obey God's law. In Isaiah 51:7, the righteous are those on whose heart is God's law, and in 1 John 3:7, everyone who does what is righteous is...
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    The gospel of …..

    In Matthew 4, Jesus consistently proceeded a quote from what was written by saying "it is written...", but it Matthew 5, he consistently proceeded a quote from what they people had heard being said by saying "you have heard that it was said...", so his emphasis on the different form of...
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    The gospel of …..

    Do you then deny the truth of Genesis 18:19 and the other verses that I quoted? The way that God blessed Abraham by graciously teaching the Gospel of the Kingdom in advance to Him and he believed the promise by spreading it to his children and those of his household. While it is true that...
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    The gospel of …..

    God's law was given for our good (Deuteronomy 6:24, 10:12-13), it is not against us, but rather what is a witness against us is our transgressions of God's law. In other words, there is a difference between these two statements: 1.) You shall not commit murder. 2.) This person has been...