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  1. 1

    The Imperfect Date

    Ha! No no. I was just comparing stories - of which I came in second. Not you at all. But I am looking for a little sympathy here. You gotta think about it. It was a football game so there's standing in line at the gate (arm held). Concessions (arm), finding seat (arm held) stumbling by...
  2. 1

    The Imperfect Date

    Well, I was gonna tell the story about this girl on a date that hung on to my arm when I first met with her and then hung on through the entire night - and it was a football game - and then hung on to it all the way to her place before she finally go. There was nerve damage. I'm positive blood...
  3. 1

    Statue of Liberty needs a nose job

    Ah well, I love my country. USA has provided me more opportunity than she has oppressed it. And I think worship of an object is not the same as appreciation of a noble concept. To me, it makes about as much sense to dishonor good ancestors with bad present day intention as it does to blame...
  4. 1

    If you could be really good at something...

    I guess I'd like to be a super good craftsman. Skilled in all manner of work in stone and in wood, like the man King Solomon chose for work on his temple. Now I can't remember his name.... hang on. ...... Huram-abi - Chronicles 2:13
  5. 1

    Go ahead - give your money to Go Fund Me

    Now GoFundMe can take your support $$ for Canada's Truckers and give it to the charities of THEIR choice.
  6. 1

    If you could be really good at something...

    Talk about holding a door for a lady!
  7. 1

    If falling in love was so easy ❤️

    Wow Lanolin! Tough choice you have there. Between a dog that's GOING to poop on your carpet and an old man who's likely to. Sounds to me like you're stuck with either getting linoleum floors and a swiffer mop or coming to Jesus.
  8. 1

    Streams of Consciousness & Thoughts~~~

    I found some oyster mushrooms last month and cooked 'em up and had some tonight, and everything's fine, I'm not complaining. It's just that... really no I"m fine.
  9. 1

    Streams of Consciousness & Thoughts~~~

    I'm Grumpy!! I got that answer right, Jill. I'm sure of it....
  10. 1

    Crush gaaaame

    Crushes are natures dirty nasty petoowee little trick to ensure continuation of the species. My latest crush....
  11. 1

    The Renewal

    Carter Conlon is an ex-cop from Canada turned pastor for people from Prince Edwards Island to the Artic Inuit while founding his own church, food bank, and a school. All the while he was a sheep farmer in Riceville shepherding not only the collective wool but the weak, the damaged, and the...
  12. 1

    Random game.

    I thought you were gonna say something like "butt". prejudge
  13. 1

    Random game.

  14. 1

    Random game.

    Ms. Godsgirl83
  15. 1

    It's good to be single.

    Gives me the impression she has just been chewing on a thigh bone.
  16. 1

    It's good to be single.

    That dog is beautiful. That's like hollywood beautiful. What's the little pooch's name? John Wick? Jason Bourne?
  17. 1

    Random game.

  18. 1

    153 fish

    Yeah! St. Peter's fish. It's actually a kind of tilapia found in the Sea of Galilee. I've read all these restaurants along the coast serve the fish to guests, Maybe they'll find a shekel in its mouth. Next: Harlequin Cod
  19. 1

    How many of you are open to having new Christian friendships?

    What a kind, wonderful thing to write! (of course I had to have somebody read it to me :confused:)