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  1. enril

    (Potentially) Profound Thoughts

    so... cold reading... psychologist tricks. used by the devil to decieve. used by christians to give a name for fakery to the rest of us. Read this:
  2. enril

    (Potentially) Profound Thoughts

    could/did the pharaoh's magicians grow their snakes? turn them back into staffs? grow their staffs? moses and aaron did.
  3. enril

    (Potentially) Profound Thoughts

    actually, the pharaoh's magicians imitated what moses did. you got it backwards. plus, the devil has no true power, only cheap imitations. the paraohs magicians would have hidden snakes in their clothing to cast, while hiding the staffs. they used chemicals to turn water red. they pulled frogs...
  4. enril

    (Potentially) Profound Thoughts

    as in cold reading. used by every fortune teller since the dawn of time.
  5. enril

    what is the worst thing you ever had to deal with?

    the hardest thing in my life was my porn addiction. 30% of teens, and 36% of christian teens have/are addicted to pornography. it drove a wedge between me and god. I stumbled on my own for years, looking for purpose, couldnt find it. tried to kill myself when my hopelessness reached peak...
  6. enril

    what is the worst thing you ever had to deal with?

    I had an uncle drown. he was young. he was almost my current age.
  7. enril

    The Very Controversial List of Foods That Belong in the Lake of Fire -- What Are YOUR Picks?

    they smell like fart, they smell like fart when you fart them, they make you fart, but they taste so good.
  8. enril

    Fun topics: whats your favorite game board, card, or videogame

    you might like terraria. my fave game. (new.) you might like stardew valley. Flare has story, but is also brute force sometimes.
  9. enril

    Fun topics: whats your favorite game board, card, or videogame

    I literally cant pvp on my raspberry pi, not enough power.
  10. enril

    Fun topics: whats your favorite game board, card, or videogame

    its cool. but monotony takes hours. I stole the name from sam bartletts 'stuntology'
  11. enril

    Fun topics: whats your favorite game board, card, or videogame

    and tactics advanced. cant forget that.
  12. enril

    Fun topics: whats your favorite game board, card, or videogame

    yes. everyone else says "call of duty?"
  13. enril

    More light-hearted aspects, hobbies, interest and just general aspects (let's talk about what we enjoy and what things are like on your side / area)

    everything is '' of doom'' pepper eating contest! anyone need some milk to help with the heat?
  14. enril

    More light-hearted aspects, hobbies, interest and just general aspects (let's talk about what we enjoy and what things are like on your side / area)

    so, you get ghost pepper extract, and a medical srynge, and you ''inject'' the milk, tomatoes, orange juice, etc.
  15. enril

    Fun topics: whats your favorite game board, card, or videogame

    has anyone played warzone 2100?
  16. enril

    Fun topics: whats your favorite game board, card, or videogame

    I have not played any oft he 3-Ds except botw and totk, I prefer link to the past, and the minish cap. mario rpg is cool too.