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  1. B

    Understanding God’s election

    Then you believe man deserves Grace, and you call God unjust and unloving because He gives it only to a remnant. Where does it say God offered the angels that sinned Grace and they rejected it ? Did Christ die for their sins also ?
  2. B

    Understanding God’s election

    It wont happen, you haven't paid attention to nothing I have explained already. Im not labouring for you. Gods Election of some stand
  3. B

    Understanding God’s election

    @Rufus Why do you believe Adam wasnt redeemed ? Didnt God cloth both of them with coats of skin which I believe typified Christ and being clothed in His Righteousness Gen 3:20-21 20 And Adam called his wife's name Eve; because she was the mother of all living. 21 Unto Adam also and to his...
  4. B

    Understanding God’s election

    So you believe God owes Grace to sinful man, and if He witholds it from some He is unjust and unloving. You believe man desrves Grace then, thats pride. What about the angels that sinned against God and He doesnt save any of them, Is He unloving and Unfair to them ?2 Pet 2:4 For if God spared...
  5. B

    Understanding God’s election

    Do sinners deserve hell ? Yes or no
  6. B

    Understanding God’s election

    You heard it first here then. God purposed to only a remnant from their sins, and thats Grace, they didnt deserve it. Is that Fair and merciful for God to save some by Grace ? And Justly condemn the rest for their sins.
  7. B

    Justification from everlasting !

    Well cant you read ? Do you agree with my posts or not ?
  8. B

    Understanding God’s election

    Yes, they sinned in Adam. Now does sinners as we all are by nature, deserve hell ?
  9. B

    Understanding God’s election

    @HeIsHere You dont agree with that ?
  10. B

    Understanding God’s election

    @GWH But thats what you are doing. Which is a lie, Election of Grace is for a remnant Rom 11:5-7 5 Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace. 6 And if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace. But if it be of...
  11. B

    Justification from everlasting !

    Keep trying. What you mean explain how we disagree ! You disagreeing with me aren't you ? You are disagreeing with what I have been explaining about Justification from everlasting.
  12. B

    Understanding God’s election

    @GWH Your interpretation makes God hateful and blameworthy for not choosing everyone, as to imply men deserve Grace . All men deserved hell for their sins, yet God was Gracious to save some from that plight, and you make Him evil for that, may He have mercy on you friend.
  13. B

    Justification from everlasting !

    @GWH Keep trying
  14. B

    Understanding God’s election

    This is Salvation by Grace !
  15. B

    Justification from everlasting !

    All those who are Justified by His Blood as Per Rom 5:9 Much more then, being now justified by or in his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him. All as such have been Justified before God from Eternity, because Christ being slain and redeeming them by His Blood as per Rev 5:9 9 And...
  16. B

    Justification from everlasting !

    If No Justification from Eternity ? Then what ? 2 Then we have not been Justified by Faith, and our faith is in vain ! Now Justified by Faith in Time means that we by Faith receive the knowledge of what is already known by God; That is why Faith is stated here as Heb 11:1 Now faith is the...
  17. B

    Justification from everlasting !

    Again You dont understand Justification from eternity as I have been setting it forth. You wasting my time
  18. B

    Justification from everlasting !

    Again You dont understand Justification from eternity as I have been setting it forth.
  19. B

    Justification from everlasting !

    If No Justification from Eternity ? Then what ? If No Justification from Eternity ? Then what ? Its impossible to be Justified by Faith in time Rom 5:1, if we don't believe in Eternal Justification prior to ones believing. For Justification by Faith does receive Knowledge of having been...
  20. B

    Justification from everlasting !

    You dont understand Justification from eternity as I have been setting it forth.