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  1. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Okay not meaning you did insinuate what I was asking you to help me with is the predestination question but apparently that did not come out the way it was intended, carry on and never mind my confusion, thanks. :)
  2. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Hi E-g, I welcome your thoughts on this subject so please if you can elevate my thinking so that I can have a correct view of predestination. Are you saying for example that; if I am a Hmong tribesman of Norther Thailand and I have, "not been regenerated", nor given the opportunity to be saved...
  3. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Hi Budman, please show proof that Calvinism teaches predestination to hell and that it teaches God will send children to hell, I don't see it. Your choice of graphics to explain your view of Calvinism is in poor taste don't you think.
  4. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Merry Christmas Birthday Celebration to our Savior Jesus Christ “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom His favor rests!” The Shepherds and the Angels 8) And there were shepherds residing in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks by night. 9) Just then, an...
  5. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Hi Preacher, doesn't our collective angst here create the perfect storm for change. Your concern and my concern is for the proper "interpretation and application", of scripture. There is so much misapplied scripture going on around here that it creates 'to much theological divisions' among the...
  6. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Thank you BillG, you have just given your audience a clear presentation of the "True Gospel", and described a "False Gospel", to a "T"....:) "Christians are saved by grace through faith, and that not of yourself, it is the gift of God, "Not By Works", lest anyone boast." Boasting allowed only...
  7. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Thank you mailmandan, I have already taken every ones advice, "E-grateful included" and I have moved "Arguemore" back to "Iggyville.", I wonder "why commonsense isn't so common." :)
  8. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Hi decon, I have yet to hear a compelling answer to resolve the conflict of; "man's free will vs the Sovereignty of God", although your theology on this subject comes close but it does not resolve the issue. I believe that resolving the tension between our "free will" vs "the Sovereignty of...
  9. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Hi decon, I've been thinking about PennEd's post off and on today. I'm not secure about the first part of this quote, but second half is true; Quote PennEd: 1)."The seed grows into a NEW heart. The dead heart fades away. This is the new birth. IT IS ALL GOD. (True or False?) 2). We do not...
  10. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Yep time has past to re-ignore already.
  11. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Hi forum, Someone should tell the Argueless to stop posting walls of out-of-context scripture because all us us here have computers and we are equiped to cut-copy and paste all of the bible verses that we wish to on our own.
  12. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Please note; "the Son will 'quicken whom He will." John5:21 Hi PennEd, I believe we have had a conversation or two, but here's my view about your question; "How does our dead heart of flesh choose Him", (our free will)?" I was born of God Sept. 1978, 40yrs. ago, but it was as if it happened...
  13. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Hi decon, it appears that DD as been removed from this forum banned again. I went back about one day and could not locate a single post by this guy DD. If you click on a previous reply to him all that appears is a response that say's this, Attention: The requested post could not be found.
  14. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

  15. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Thank you decon I got the message. I never had contact with this guy - why are the wolf's being let back in the sheep pen - don't you think something is not working right and how the heck are unsuspecting Christians suppose to know. Frankly since I did not know his back ground and he openly...
  16. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Hi BillG, I respect your thoughts and everyone is thankful that Disciple Dave is being honest about his identity. There are past members that come back who are less than honest about their identity. It is also a good thing to talk to Disciple Dave about what caused his unfortunate ban (which...
  17. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Everybody is lost "but not Studyman" who knows the true path. Yes Studyman the Church, the "Body of Christ", needs "Overseer's", to guard over its members and to protect them from "false teachers", like you. Turn back Studyman to the God you once new, your self concocted religion will not save...
  18. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Hi Preacher4truth, nice to know you are alive and well and forever proclaiming God's truth. Sometimes I find it beneficial to post a passage of scripture for those "like myself" who may have a "floccinaucinihilipilification moment", (meaning laziness of the bones); and miss the value of...
  19. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Thank you and I will follow suit, is there any way the Moderator's can check his IP address to make a positive identification, I reckon there is not much any one person can do if a poster is going to lie about his identity. This speaks loud and clear about his deceptive character and lack of...
  20. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    "Argueless" also known as "Seoche" who was banned has now illegally come back to Argueless, you are actively practicing falsehood by illegally returning to after being banned. your candle stick has been removed and you have just condemned yourself to the...