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  1. P

    Woman Arrested for Silent Prayer

    I saw the mention of Virginia. Is there an article pertaining to that?
  2. P

    Year End Awards

    Ah, I C. :geek:
  3. P

    Smoke alarms

    If battery security in the unit is an issue I'd pass. The battery is imperative. It's what keeps the unit operational. I check this site when I want to vet products. Here's another...
  4. P

    Year End Awards

    Haven't those categories been awarded as such already? I received likes noticed for things like that. Somebody likes you. Can't stop. And so on. Go for something new.
  5. P

    Year End Awards

    Where's the e? 🤔 🙃
  6. P

    Year End Awards

    😳 🙊🙉🙈 I represent that mark! 😡 😆
  7. P

    Woman Arrested for Silent Prayer

    It is so sad to see what the UK is becoming. 😔🙏
  8. P


    '15 ''But if the unbelieving partner separates, let it be so.'' How often do abusive spouses seek divorce?Their behavior intends to make the wife subservient. Divorce and he'd have to start all over again. Plus, if marriage makes the two one flesh what is spousal abuse but self abuse? Here's...
  9. P


    That's legalism. If God joins couples together and he doesn't approve domestic violence then it may be inferred such a marriage was not a union made by God. And therefore,divorce is proper because God would not join a woman with an unbeliever. Rather, that union is of God's enemy. Be not...
  10. P

    Can a Christian lose salvation?

    I have eternal life right now. I'm not immortal in flesh, just as Jesus taught and examples, I'm an immortal soul right now.
  11. P


    Post the scripture where Jesus approves spousal abuse.
  12. P

    Can a Christian lose salvation?

    I never said works save. Just the opposite in fact.
  13. P

    Can a Christian lose salvation?

    The Bible tells us, we are saved by[.b] God and his grace through faith. The natural mind cannot understand the things of the spirit. Those are foolishness to him because those are spiritually discerned. We cannot choose to come to faith for that very reason. We are saved by God and his...
  14. P

    How an Occupied Twitter Ruined Countless Lives

    Isn't Communist Authoritarian Dictatorship the profile for the NWO? I'm not a member of FB or Twitter.
  15. P

    Does God desire the salvation of all mankind?

    John 1:5The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it. Why? 1 Corinthians 2:14 But a natural man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually appraised.
  16. P

    Can a Christian lose salvation?

    You forget the promises. Here's one. Those whom God calls to his grace and irrevocable Salvation. ''...And no one shall take them from my hand.'' If we can lose our salvation, just as the gospel details what salvation is, the new testament must also detail how all that transforms sinners into...
  17. P

    Can a Christian lose salvation?

    Fixed the typo. Tapestry, not, ta[eatery.< That sounds like an eatery in LA. 😆 Sounds , like people who were misled by false teachers. Which would mean they were not taught the true gospel. Therein, living a lie. Which would make them worse off than before. Keeping in mind false teachers, like...
  18. P

    Can a Christian lose salvation?

    Sounds , like people who were misled by false teachers. Which would mean they were not taught the true gospel. Therein, living a lie. Which would make them worse off than before. Keeping in mind false teachers, like bona fide preachers , will answer for their teachings. Every word. Scripture...
  19. P

    Does God desire the salvation of all mankind?

    OK, 'nuther question😉: Super saints, time salvation?
  20. P

    Does God desire the salvation of all mankind?

    Question: Do we have the freedom to choose to accept the gospel when God tells us our natural mind cannot understand it unless his Holy Spirit intervenes?