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  1. karen0123

    My marriage is in trouble

    God bless you, I will pray every day for the rest of my life for you,
  2. karen0123

    Satans demons keep attacking me why?

    I haven't got a mental illness, and I never been institutionalized, I'm a nobody and that is all as I want to be in the kingdom of heaven, I am protected by God. the devil has a special hate for me, Jesus said to pray for your enemy so I pray for the demonic forces of evil that attack me, I...
  3. karen0123

    Satans demons keep attacking me why?

    I haven't got a mental illness, and I never been institutionalized, I'm a nobody and that is all as I want to be in the kingdom of heaven, I am protected by God. the devil has a special hate for me, Jesus said to pray for your enemy so I pray for the demonic forces of evil that attack me, I...
  4. karen0123

    Satans demons keep attacking me why?

    [QUATE] I promise you, you will not lose your soul. God is in control, not demons or Satan! I only wish you were right, one day I went off to see a priest for help, you should have seen the look of shock on his face, as he told me, that what you've got can destroy you? the priest was right it...
  5. karen0123

    Satans demons keep attacking me why?

    Please pray for me Dan_473,, 34 years of my life I have lost due to the demonic attack made against me.
  6. karen0123

    Satans demons keep attacking me why?

    Hebrews 12 King James Version (KJV) 12 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, 2 Looking unto Jesus the author and...
  7. karen0123

    Satans demons keep attacking me why?

    these attacks started just after I went to a fortune teller.
  8. karen0123

    Satans demons keep attacking me why?

    Demonic I can sense and feel a strong presence of evil a serpent around my body, I’ve had it 33years. The other day I was reading the word of God, when I do that read from the living word of God, I take my sword out which is the word of God and cut Satan’s lies to bits. Two things happened to...
  9. karen0123

    My soul does magnify the Lord

    My soul does magnify the Lord, 47 And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour
  10. karen0123

    Satans demons keep attacking me why?

    My soul does magnify the Lord, 47 And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour
  11. karen0123

    I beg you to pray for one another without ceasing

    Father, I know the most important reality of my life is that you love me and that you look at me this moment with such tenderness and love as no one ever could; I am your only child. You desire to forgive me and to heal me where I want healing so that this day will be a brand-new beginning...
  12. karen0123

    I Want To Suffer MORE for Jesus Christ.

    The Lord's work I try to do first, I have a daughter, most of my income I spend on her, and also saving money to put her through university, my daughter and Jesus is my life.
  13. karen0123

    Dreams has a Lot of meaning. what are the mean of those Dreams ?

    King James Bible Acts 2:17 And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:
  14. karen0123

    I Want To Suffer MORE for Jesus Christ.

    Ow, what a joy it is to suffer for Jesus Christ
  15. karen0123

    Looking for Good Online Study Tool For what you are looking for, this I find is very good, enjoy. Amen
  16. karen0123

    I Want To Suffer MORE for Jesus Christ.

    I sold my house all my worldly possession I have given about $20.000 away to those that needed the money. everything I planned to do with my life I gave this up (((everything)))to follow Jesus. and I realise i love Jesus more than anybody else I love on earth, and the only thing that matters is...
  17. karen0123

    Bill Wiese - 23 Minutes in Hell
  18. karen0123

    Christ Died on the Cross to Abolish Sin in You

    Christ Died on the Cross to Abolish Sin in You Hebrews 9:25-26 King James Version (KJV) 25 Nor yet that he should offer himself often, as the high priest entereth into the holy place every year with blood of others; 26 For then must he often have suffered since the foundation of the world: but...
  19. karen0123

    Pray for one another without ceasing

    Pray for one another without ceasing Father, I know the most important reality of my life is that you love me and that you look at me this moment with such tenderness and love as no one ever could; I am your only child. You desire to forgive me and to heal me where I want healing so that...
  20. karen0123

    I Love Jesus And God

    I love Jesus and God more than I love anybody else on earth; I want the whole world to no..