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  1. G

    Word Association

  2. G

    Welcome to the Kamala Harris Presidential Campaign

    yes, her and famous people can fill arenas. like willie nelson. 91 years old. and brain burned up for the 60 years of smoking pot....
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    Harris Ad Running here in Oklahoma

    sad, but not suprising. liberals getting more fired up and acting out...
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    Why Won't I Vote for Trump?

    any proof of " the right threatening a civil war"?? and mainstream media cannot be a source, of proof , they just make stuff up..
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    Why Won't I Vote for Trump?

    so, have you given any thought to the possibility that trump might win? any at all?
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    Why Won't I Vote for Trump?

    funny the e coli thing was not a big story until after trump did his thing . not saying it is not real, just saying the timing of the story blowing up is interesting..
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    Why Won't I Vote for Trump?

    yep, disgruntled former employees are always a reliable source of unbiased information..
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    Various Moral Issues

    now that is a good one!
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    Could Trump do anything to make you stop supporting him?

    of course. the same people that were swearing biden was fine 5 months ago are now saying trump has dementia..:LOL:
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    Are the moon landings fake?

    let's stay in the space area. the moon landing fake?? probably. the earth being flat? no . the voyager missions real? yes. the other planets and the moon being real. and made of solid materials ?? yes.
  11. G

    Are the moon landings fake?

    oh, i do not trust musk. anyone who wants to put brain chips in your head ( his nuralink) is not your friend. and i do not trust the gov. but, just because they lie about a lot of things does NOT mean they lie about everything.
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    Are the moon landings fake?

    the firmament thing. we have sent satellites out beyond mars. so there is that.
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    Are the moon landings fake?

    warner van braun, true. occult things true. musk. maybe. the rest=:unsure::unsure:
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    Welcome to the Kamala Harris Presidential Campaign

    so, i have asked several liberals this question- how was it back in the '80s and '90s. with far less technology . we had the results the next day. got a lot of blah blah blah, but no sensible answer..
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    God is the author and finisher of our faith.

    hello and welcome. God bless you as well!
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    Trump: You won’t have to vote again

    just like He used nebuchadnezzar to judge Israel...
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    Welcome to the Kamala Harris Presidential Campaign

    hearing reports of the same thing here in georgia..
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    Just too crazy

    yes, i know that. all the covens support her. and all the rest who are of their father, not the Lord Jesus Christ.