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  1. G

    Shock study shows 41 Million Christians not likely to vote in November.

    most political polls are nothing burgers.
  2. G

    NEW CC Perspectives on Levels of Conspiracy & Corruption in 2020 Election, CV19 & DS Existence

    top pentagon officals are having discussions about " what to do" if trump starts firing people and deploying troops domestically." so, sure, the military is on our side, and marshall law is the best way to go.. it took less than 48 hours for INFO to punk the Q fraud once again. too easy. :cool:
  3. G

    On Donald Trump winning the 2024 election

    look at the dem votes in 2020 and 3n days ago. about 20 million more in 2020. but, that does not mean anything..:)
  4. G

    Could Trump do anything to make you stop supporting him?

    and not even 72 hours past the election..
  5. G

    Speak Your Mind.

    yes, i have noticed that some of those type commercials , and them saying that..:)
  6. G

    Trumps gonna win.

    either they are coming to their senses, or they see which way the wind is blowing, and turned and headed off in that direction...
  7. G

    Just too crazy

    i had the same thought today- save all the things that the liberal media is saying right now, and play it over and over again 4 years from now..
  8. G

    Just too crazy

    what this election showed is that one cannot win a nationwide election by trying to make people dislike one candidate so much they vote for other candidate, who really does not have a plan or platform. " so you hate trump? i do too! vote for me." that is and was a failing strategy.
  9. G

    Trumps gonna win.

    no one should. no telling what they might try to pull.
  10. G

    Trumps gonna win.

    this is what you are going with?? after 2020? :ROFL::ROFL:
  11. G

    Could Trump do anything to make you stop supporting him?

    not quite just yet, but it is a surprise that trump is doing so well there..
  12. G

    Could Trump do anything to make you stop supporting him?

    after 4 years of biden, all the off base things he did consistently , trump has a bad 10 seconds here and there, and ya'll say he is in decline..:LOL: go watch trump's 3 hour joe rogan podcast, you will see he is fine..
  13. G

    Could Trump do anything to make you stop supporting him?

    they keep looking at a flawed man. we look at what the dems are PUSHING and DOING. if they could just get their off of the flawed man and on to the satanic agenda, and stand against that, and stop fighting against the flawed man, who is not going along with the agenda..
  14. G

    Speak Your Mind.

    good morning ! God bless you!
  15. G

    Welcome to the Kamala Harris Presidential Campaign

    best slogan for her!!! seems like the more she talks with no teleprompter or notes, the worse it gets..
  16. G

    Could Trump do anything to make you stop supporting him?

    as soon as you see " maricopa county". you know it is going to be something silly...
  17. G

    Smile movie and Smile 2

    wise. if they bother you, then do not watch. (y)
  18. G

    Could Trump do anything to make you stop supporting him?

    maybe. but you know they have a bag full of tricks to pull on tues, and beyond..
  19. G

    Wars and rumors of war.

    nah, that could not be true.. or could it..:unsure:
  20. G

    Wars and rumors of war.

    and pike would have made those predictions in the mid 1800's...