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  1. D3vot3d


  2. D3vot3d

    Random game.

  3. D3vot3d

    We must be very careful in what we say, for ONLY God speaks the truth written for us under the...

    We must be very careful in what we say, for ONLY God speaks the truth written for us under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Man is a liar influenced by the power and principalities of the enemy of God !
  4. D3vot3d

    Random game.

  5. D3vot3d

    Last person to post wins!!!

  6. D3vot3d


    Faith: In a deadly drought all the villagers decided to pray for rain. On the set day of prayer all the people gathered but only one little boy came with an umbrella. James 5:16 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer...
  7. D3vot3d

    Looking to Jesus

    I agree for vengeance belongs unto the Lord. It is the horror of memories that torment though not a thirst for revenge on the long dead. I hate the return of these thoughts without warning tripping to the forefront of my waking hours. I also realize it is a tool of assault the enemy uses to...
  8. D3vot3d


    Who am I ? Only someone God loves. Let me spend this life in devotion to him bc of HIS love!
  9. D3vot3d

    Random game.

  10. D3vot3d

    Last person to post wins!!!

    Hello ! This looks fun. It's a besting thread......... Lol......I WIN...........but only if it ends now. Yeah, yeah, I get it 🤣
  11. D3vot3d


    I did a mini search to find another thread but I didn't locate one so I'll be starting this one. Today it is harder living in peace & love than it was 47 years ago when I started this journey. There has been much loss and suffering along the way but I have found strength in his word, the...
  12. D3vot3d

    God's Promises!

    @Charlie_2024 @posthuman How pleasant it is to see brethren converse in love without the disputations of theologies. Be richly blessed in your studies.
  13. D3vot3d

    Looking to Jesus

    Hello Gideon. Just an half ago ago I was assaulted by thoughts, memories or things in my past that I cannot seem to escape from. I was asking the Lord" How can I erase these hurtful memories from ever coming into my mind "? They are torment as my early life was very dysfunctional and painful...
  14. D3vot3d

    Happy Day

    Thank you all so much for the welcome. I will look for your post in all the forums to get to know you in faith. Rich blessings of peace and prosperity to your souls and hearts in Christ ! ❣️
  15. D3vot3d

    Thank you. Peace unto you ❤️

    Thank you. Peace unto you ❤️
  16. D3vot3d

    Happy Day

    Hello to all. Looking forward to fellowship of faith and the breaking of the bread of life; the very words of God! Matthew 4:4 But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.